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BlueOnyx - Modifier le theme

De wikiGite

Révision datée du 28 septembre 2010 à 14:45 par Frank (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « Run the following commands on your BlueOnyx or BlueQuartz server: cd /tmp wget http://www.osoffice.co.uk/linux/ospanel-theme-1.05-sb_el4.i386.rpm rpm -ivh ospanel-theme-1... »)
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Run the following commands on your BlueOnyx or BlueQuartz server:

cd /tmp
wget http://www.osoffice.co.uk/linux/ospanel-theme-1.05-sb_el4.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh ospanel-theme-1.05-sb_el4.i386.rpm

The RPM automatically switches to the new theme upon installation.