IFolder - Installation sur OpenSuse 11.3
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Mémo OpenSuse
zypper yast
During partitioning you may want to edit the default configuration and NOT create a separate home partition.
Turn off the firewall either during the setup or in Yast. Security and Users after the install.
After install, open terminal. As root (that’s what this ‘#’ means) ensure ssh starts at boot (only if you need ssh).
# chkconfig sshd on
Dans Yast
Network Settings > Global Options
Disable IPv6 if not used
Network Settings > Overview
Edit your interface so it has a static ip
Network Settings > Hostname/DNS
Edit to match your configuration
Avec Zypper install ...
Remove the following
Add the following
kernel-source gcc gcc-c++ apache2-prefork apache2-utils apache2-mod_mono mono-core mono-data mono-data-sqlite mono-web mono-winforms libapr-util1 libapr1 libflaim log4net xsp yast2-http-server nano (optional)
Zypper install kernel-source gcc gcc-c++ apache2-prefork apache2-utils apache2-mod_mono mono-core mono-data mono-data-sqlite
mono-web mono-winforms libapr-util1 libapr1 libflaim log4net xsp yast2-http-server nano
Redémarrer le serveur
shutdown -h now
Configuration d'Apache
Open terminal and check that your hostname is correct (it’s in the prompt) and check for updates.
# zypper ref
# zypper up
In the terminal, generate an ssl cert (5 year) using the FQDN of the iFolder Server.
# gensslcert -Y 1825 -n FQDN -e EMAIL@EXAMPLE.COM
Open Yast > HTTP Server module that was added (yast2-http-server). Using the defaults is fine here. Click Finish.
In the terminal, enable the apache2 modules that are needed.
# a2enmod ssl
# a2enmod mono
# a2enmod rewrite
In the terminal, ensure apache2 starts at boot then start it.
# chkconfig apache2 on
# rcapache2 start
In the terminal, set up the apache2 vhost-ssl.conf.
# cp /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.template /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.conf
Edit the /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.conf file and ensure the FQDN of the iFolder server is present as the ServerName in the file.
ServerName FQDN:443
Edit the /etc/hosts file and ensure the FQDN and the HOSTNAME of the iFolder server is present in the file. PUT BOTH! localhost HOSTNAME FQDN HOSTNAME
Edit the /etc/sysconfig/apache2 file and ensure APACHE_SERVER_FLAGS=”SSL” is present in the file.
Installation du serveur iFolder
Go to: http://software.opensuse.org/search
Change your release version to OpenSuSE 11.3 before you search
Search for and ’1-Click Install’ the following two items.
ifolder3-enterprise (29MAR2011 using snapshot_snapshot) novell-ifolder-enterprise-plugins (29MAR2011 using server_snapshot)
or click the links below ifolder3-enterprise
http://software.opensuse.org/search?q=ifolder3-enterprise&baseproject=openSUSE%3A11.3&lang=en&exclude_debug=true novell-ifolder-enterprise-plugins (use the server snapshot with the same version of the ifolder3-enterprise eg. 3.8.4)
You can also run a oneclick from terminal by running the following. INCLUDE THE QUOTES.
# su -c “OCICLI url of the file.ymp”
Currently these are (but please verify at http://software.opensuse.org/ before using):
# su -c "OCICLI http://software.opensuse.org/ymp/network:ifolder:server_snapshot/openSUSE_11.3/ifolder3-enterprise.ymp"
# su -c "OCICLI http://software.opensuse.org/ymp/network:ifolder:server_snapshot/openSUSE_11.3/novell-ifolder-enterprise-plugins.ymp"
Configuration du serveur iFolder
First of all, restart the apache service (I know we JUST rebooted the machine). Look for errors and fix them first.
# rcapache2 restart
Unless you have a good reason:
The default data path is ‘/var/simias/data’. You may want to store the iFolder data in another location. You can change the default path or you can modify the mount point on another partition, drive or LV. The FQDN of the iFolder server for BOTH public and private addresses: ‘https://FQDN/simias10′ System name & description can be modified to suite your needs If you have an LDAP(v3) source for provisioning users, go ahead select Y (yes) for LDAP, otherwise choose N (no) to set up a local user store. If you don’t know what LDAP is, choose N (no) Configure apache – YES! Other settings are default values
Run the Simias Server Setup
# simias-server-setup
Check the owner and group of the Simias data store
# chown -R wwwrun:www /var/simias/ (or the path you entered)
Restart apache and check for errors
# rcapache2 restart
Run the iFolder web interface setups and restart apache
# ifolder-admin-setup
# ifolder-web-setup
# rcapache2 restart
Création d'un compte utilisateur
Go to ‘https://FQDN/admin’ or ‘https://localhost/admin’ and:
login with the admin credentials create a new user set the user’s home server click save look around
Connexion à l'interface Web
Go to ‘https://FQDN/ifolder’ or https://localhost/ifolder’ and:
login with the new user create a new ifolder look around
Installation d'un client iFolder
Get your client from
Install it and enter the address for the server as well as your credentials. I do not choose to create my default iFolder because I want to pick the folders already existing on my computer.
If you are syncing different platforms and or multiple machines, you can setup an iFolder client and do an inital sync on one machine (preferably local to the server if applicable) then copy the physical files with an external drive or other way to the additional machine, using the SAME FOLDER NAME, and tell the client on the new machine to ‘Merge’ the folder. This will not do a complete upload/download of the files but will compare the files saving you bandwidth and time. You may see files with ‘Conflicts’ that need to be resolved when doing this. Use the ‘Resolve’ button in the iFolder client to manually compare the file name, size and date. Usually they are the same. You can choose to sync to the ‘Local’ or ‘Server’ version of the file. If I do a merge like stated above, I will use the ‘Server’ version.