(5 révisions intermédiaires par le même utilisateur non affichées) |
Ligne 3 : |
Ligne 3 : |
| Peaufiné amoureusement depuis des années, certainement encore perfectible, à utiliser sans modération. | | Peaufiné amoureusement depuis des années, certainement encore perfectible, à utiliser sans modération. |
| | | |
− | Code partagé "as is", sans garantie, à utiliser à vos risques et périls (mais bon, [http://www.ina.fr/video/PUB3216395097 ce ne sont que quelques select, Seigneur], et quelques inserts dans une table dédiée). | + | Code partagé "as is", sans garantie, à utiliser à vos risques et périls (mais bon, [http://www.ina.fr/video/PUB3216395097 ce ne sont que quelques select, Seigneur], et quelques inserts dans une table d'historique d'audit dédiée). |
| | | |
| Voir aussi le [[Script_d'audit_de_bases_de_données_MySQL | script d'audit MySQL]] | | Voir aussi le [[Script_d'audit_de_bases_de_données_MySQL | script d'audit MySQL]] |
| | | |
− | <syntaxhighlight lang="sql" enclose="div">
| + | 09/2018 : transféré sur Github |
| + | https://github.com/fsoyer/auditOracleHTML |
− | -- v3.1
| |
− | -- Compatible Oracle 9i, 10g, 11g
| |
− | -- FSoyer 2005-2015
| |
− | -- Changelog :
| |
− | -- 2005 v.1.0 Creation du script, regroupement d'operations manuelles repetitives.
| |
− | -- Generation de rapports format TXT
| |
− | -- 12/2006 v1.1 Creation table HISTAUDIT et requetes associees pour comparaisons entre 2 audits
| |
− | -- 11/2008 v1.2 Separation en 2 fichiers 1=audit de perfs 2=environnement schemas
| |
− | -- 02/2009 v2.0 Modifications des requetes audits de perfs pour generer des fichiers HTML
| |
− | -- 02/2010 Affichage icones "info" et "tips"
| |
− | -- 06/2010 Ajout scan de l'alert.log
| |
− | -- 08/2010 Passage section schemas en HTML
| |
− | -- 10/2010 Mise en paramètre des listes de USERS sysusers et exusers
| |
− | -- 11/2010 Ajout résultat NLS_PARAMETERS
| |
− | -- ... Petites modifs diverses non documentées pendant un certain temps ...
| |
− | -- 03/2013 v2.1 Ajout file efficiency
| |
− | -- 06/2013 file efficiency ne donne pas d'info pertinente. Remplace par detection des FULL SCANs
| |
− | -- 08/2013 Ajout vue V$SGAINFO plutôt que simplement V$SGA pour les bases >=10g
| |
− | -- 09/2013 Ajout moyenne temps entre 2 switchs redo logs. Le min et max ne donnent pas d'info pertinente.
| |
− | -- 06/2014 suppression stats UNDO (gestion automatique depuis 10g)
| |
− | -- 09/2014 v2.2 Regroupement tableaux volumetrie tablespaces et diff de tailles depuis dernier audit
| |
− | -- 12/2014 Prendre date du jour si premier audit (pas de date d'audit précédent) pour afficher les tableaux à zéro
| |
− | -- 12/2014 tablespace UNDO placé en fin de tableau volumétrie et suppression calcul diff taille depuis dernier audit
| |
− | -- 02/2015 ajout affichage dba_errors+dba_sources
| |
− | -- 04/2015 corr. bug histaudit type_obj='AUT' dupliqué si script lancé plusieurs fois.
| |
− | -- corr. bug "erreurs sur objet" limit champ dba_errors."text" à 240 car. pour concatenations.
| |
− | -- 07/2015 v3.0.1 affichage tablespace de la table HISTAUDIT (SYSTEM ou TOOLS)
| |
− | -- corr. bug div/0 si executions=0 dans v$sqlarea
| |
− | -- 08/2015 v3.0.2 affichage des valeurs de divers paramètres d'initialisation.
| |
− | -- corr. bug total segments (TABLE% et INDEX%). Incohérence entre les sommes conservées dans Histaudit et les tailles réelles.
| |
− | -- 09/2015 v3.0.3 ajout version et parametres d'init dans histaudit. Test si version ou paramètre a changé depuis dernier audit
| |
− | -- v3.0.4 corr bug affichage version; ajout liste des patchs appliqués
| |
− | -- 09/2015 v3.1 ajout informations hôte. Le script est stable avant de s'occuper des TODOS "moins" importants => passage en 3.1.
| |
− | --
| |
− | -- ****** UTILISATION ******
| |
− | -- ****** IMPORTANT : le script doit etre lance par sqlplus, en tant que SYSTEM ******
| |
− | -- ****** IMPORTANT : un tablespace "TOOLS" doit exister dans la base pour la table d'audit ******
| |
− | -- TNS : sqlplus system/manager@ORCL /repertoire/audit_complet_html > audit.html
| |
− | -- Easyconnect : sqlplus system/manager@//server_oracle:1521/ORCL /repertoire/audit_complet_html > audit.html
| |
− | --
| |
− | -- Exemple, sous linux, en utilisant des variables et Easyconnect :
| |
− | -- SQLP=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/client/scripts/sqlplus.sh
| |
− | -- AUDIT_SCRIPT=/scripts/Audit_Oracle/audit_complet_html
| |
− | -- CONNEXION='//server_oracle:1521/ORCL'
| |
− | -- RAPPORT=audit.html
| |
− | -- $SQLP system/manager@$CONNEXION @$AUDIT_SCRIPT > $RAPPORT
| |
− | --
| |
− | -- Pour info, script sqlplus.sh adapté pour linux (UTF8 et coupures de lignes)
| |
− | -- nécessite l'outil rlwrap
| |
− | -- #!/bin/bash
| |
− | -- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/<rép. Oracle Client>/OraHome_1
| |
− | -- export ORACLE_HOME=/<rép. Oracle Client>/OraHome_1
| |
− | -- export EDITOR=vi
| |
− | -- NLS_LANG=FRENCH_FRANCE.UTF8 rlwrap -m $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
| |
− | --
| |
− | -- ****** NOTES / TIPS ******
| |
| |
| |
− | -- de TYPE "<td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center>" QUI SONT
| |
| |
| |
| |
− | -- * NOTE 3 : Le script cree (ou re-cree) 2 fonctions et une table d'historique dans TOOLS
| |
− | --
| |
− | -- * TIP : pour inclure une image directement dans le code html :
| |
− | -- <IMG SRC=" AAAC8IyPqcvt3wCcDkiLc7C0qwyGHhSWpjQu5yqmCYsapyuvUUlvONmOZtfzgFz ByTB10QgxOR0TqBQejhRNzOfkVJ+5YiUqrXF5Y5lKh/DeuNcP5yLWGsEbtLiOSp a/TPg7JpJHxyendzWTBfX0cxOnKPjgBzi4diinWGdkF8kjdfnycQZXZeYGejmJl ZeGl9i2icVqaNVailT6F5iJ90m6mvuTS4OK05M0vDk0Q4XUtwvKOzrcd3iq9uis F81M1OIcR7lEewwcLp7tuNNkM3uNna3F2JQFo97Vriy/Xl4/f1cf5VWzXyym7PH hhx4dbgYKAAA7" ALT="Larry">
| |
− | -- http://www.motobit.com/util/base64-decoder-encoder.asp
| |
− | -- * TIP : trouver si la version est inférieure ou supérieure/égale à 10 :
| |
− | -- select decode(sign(to_number(substr(VERSION,1,instr(VERSION,'.')-1))-10), -1, 'INF', 'SUP-EQ') from product_component_version where PRODUCT like 'Oracle%';
| |
− | --
| |
− | -- ****** BUGS CONNUS ******
| |
− | -- Volumétrie de tablespaces : si les fichiers mixent autoextend et no autoextend, affichage en doublon. A corriger.
| |
− | -- A valider : peut-être idem si les fichiers mixent standard et bigfile, à retester.
| |
− | -- A valider : le calcul de l'alerte avec Couleurlimite n'est peut-être pas bon non plus dans ces cas.
| |
− | -- Incompatibilité de certaines requêtes avec des versions < 10. Le script va quand même au bout.
| |
− | --
| |
− | -- ****** TODO LIST ******
| |
| |
− | -------------------------------------
| |
− | -- TODO : SUPPRIMER les "||" de concatenation par des virgules. Mais ATTENTION aux "UNION" qui réclament le même nombre de colonnes, et aux "decode" qui interprêtent les virgules !
| |
| |
− | -- TODO : Supprimer l'affichage dans la console pendant l'exécution du script, n'afficher que des infos de type "audit de la base XXX" avec dbms_output.
| |
− | -- TODO : Faire une table des matières (ancres HTML). Frames ou menu javascript ?
| |
− | -- TODO : Remplacer les fonctions stockées de colorisation PL/SQL par du javascript ?
| |
− | -- Javascript inséré systématiquement en haut du fichier HTML produit, réutilisable dans les requêtes ?
| |
− | --
| |
| |
− | ---------------------------------------
| |
− | -- Histaudit :
| |
− | -- TODO : nettoyer historique > 1 an
| |
− | -- Versions :
| |
− | -- TODO : Ajouter la liste des patches (select * from sys.registry$history;)
| |
− | -- Volumetrie :
| |
− | -- TODO : Afficher un graphe evolution volumétrie (attention aux creations de fichiers entre deux audits)
| |
− | -- comment faire en pur HTML, sans PHP ou autre ?
| |
− | -- TODO : coloriser les requêtes gourmandes qui prennent plus de XXX microsec ou XXX buffers
| |
− | -- TODO : Etudier V$TEMPSEG_USAGE preformances tablespace temporaire
| |
− | -- Memoire :
| |
− | -- TODO : garder le nombre de sessions dans HISTAUDIT pour graphique d'evolution et moyenne ?
| |
− | -- TODO : affiner les stats d'opérations ASMM (variation des tailles de pools) avec v$sga_resize_ops et v$sga_dynamic_components :
| |
− | -- select component, current_size from v$sga_dynamic_components;
| |
− | -- select component,oper_type,oper_mode,initial_size/1024/1024 "Initial",TARGET_SIZE/1024/1024 "Target",FINAL_SIZE/1024/1024 "Final",status from v$sga_resize_ops order by component;
| |
− | -- select component,current_size/1024/1024 "CURRENT_SIZE",min_size/1024/1024 "MIN_SIZE",user_specified_size/1024/1024 "USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE",last_oper_type "TYPE" from v$sga_dynamic_components order by component;
| |
− | -- Requetes les plus gourmandes
| |
− | -- TODO : Passer en orange les requêtes > 1s
| |
− | -- Schemas :
| |
− | -- TODO : Section SCHEMAS = Liste des grants par user et par role non systeme
| |
− | -- TODO : Afficher N/A si 1er audit ou aucuns objets utilisateurs
| |
− | -- TODO : Ajouter une colonne user, et grouper par user pour detecter d'eventuels users system oublies dans le NOT IN, plus une ligne total global à la fin du tableau
| |
− | -- TODO : 'affichage des logs' = grouper les messages si identiques et afficher une somme pour limiter le nombre de ligne ?
| |
− | -- TODO : "mises à jour automatiques des stats" : en 11i afficher état "auto optimizer stats collection" mais table n'existe pas en 10g (voir commentaire dans la section)
| |
− | -- Segments :
| |
− | -- TODO : Analyze de la fragmentation des indexes ?
| |
− | -- Logs :
| |
− | -- TODO : fusionner les lignes identiques successives (ex.: "Checkpoint not complete") en ajoutant juste le nombre d'occurences successives par jour
| |
− | -- TODO : Mettre en orange des messages critiques ? (autres que checkpoint, arrêt normal de base, backups,...)
| |
− | --
| |
− | -- ****** A ETUDIER ******
| |
− | -- requêtes intéressante sur TEMP et SORT segments https://forums.oracle.com/thread/2527064
| |
− | --
| |
− | -- *********************************************** SCRIPT **************************************************
| |
− | -- *************************************** Initialisation SQLPlus
| |
− | set pages 999
| |
− | set lines 200
| |
− | set echo off
| |
− | set termout on
| |
− | set trims on
| |
− | set showmode off
| |
− | set verify off
| |
− | set feed off
| |
− | set serveroutput on size 1000000
| |
− | set head off
| |
− | | |
− | -- On force quelques formats
| |
| |
| |
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Creation de fonctions
| |
− | -- Fonction CouleurLimite renvoie :
| |
− | -- ROUGE (si valeur en dehors de limite +/- plage en fonction de "superieur" (voir "VERT", calcul inverse)),
| |
− | -- ORANGE (si valeur a l'interieur de la plage (limite +/- plage),
| |
− | -- VERT (si valeur superieure à (limite + plage) ET "superieur" <= 0, valeur inferieure si "superieur" > 0)
| |
− | -- soit :
| |
− | -- | limite - plage | valeur limite | limite + plage |
| |
− | -- si "superieur" <= 0 :
| |
− | -- < ALERT (ROUGE) | WARNING | OK (VERT) >
| |
− | -- si "superieur" > 0 :
| |
− | -- < OK (VERT) | WARNING | ALERT (ROUGE) >
| |
− | | |
− | CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CouleurLimite (valeurAtester number, limite number, plage number, superieur int)
| |
− | RETURN varchar2
| |
− | IS
| |
− | signe number;
| |
| |
− | if superieur <= 0 then -- on teste si la valeur tombe EN-DESSOUS de limite+/-plage (DOIT etre superieure)
| |
− | if valeurAtester < limite then -- deja inferieure a limite, mais est-on encore dans limite-plage ?
| |
− | select SIGN(valeurAtester-(limite-(plage))) into signe from dual;
| |
− | if signe < 0 then -- la valeur a tester est inferieure a limite-plage : ALERT
| |
− | return '#FF0000'; --ROUGE
| |
− | else -- la valeur a tester est entre limite-plage et limite : WARN
| |
− | return '#FF9900'; --ORANGE
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | else -- superieure a limite, mais est-on deja dans la limite+plage ?
| |
− | select SIGN(valeurAtester-(limite+(plage))) into signe from dual;
| |
− | if signe > 0 then -- la valeur a tester est superieure a limite+plage : OK
| |
− | return '#33FF33';--VERT
| |
− | else -- la valeur a tester est deja tombee dans limite+plage : WARN
| |
− | return '#FF9900';--ORANGE
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | else -- on teste si la valeur DEPASSE limite+/-plage (DOIT etre inferieure)
| |
− | if valeurAtester >= limite then -- on est deja au-dessus de la limite, est-on encore dans limite+plage ?
| |
− | select SIGN(valeurAtester-(limite+(plage))) into signe from dual;
| |
− | if signe > 0 then -- on a depasse limite+plage : ALERT
| |
− | return '#FF0000'; --ROUGE
| |
− | else -- on est encore dans la plage : WARN
| |
− | return '#FF9900'; --ORANGE
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | else -- on est encore en-dessous de limite, mais est-on deja dans la plage ?
| |
− | select SIGN(valeurAtester-(limite-(plage))) into signe from dual;
| |
− | if signe < 0 then -- on est encore en-dessous : OK
| |
− | return '#33FF33';--VERT
| |
− | else -- on est deja dans la plage : WARN
| |
− | return '#FF9900';--ORANGE
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | END;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Variables et constantes
| |
− | define logfile = ORACLE
| |
− | define envfile = env
| |
| |
| |
− | define exusers = ('SCOTT','HR','OE','PM','QS','QS_ADM','QS_CBADM','QS_CS','QS_ES','QS_OS','QS_WS','SH')
| |
− | -- Icones (base64)
| |
− | variable tips varchar2(4000);
| |
− | begin
| |
− | select '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' into :tips from dual;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | variable info varchar2(4000);
| |
− | begin
| |
− | select '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' into :info from dual;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | column bname new_value dbname noprint
| |
− | column hname new_value hstname noprint
| |
− | select name as bname from v$database;
| |
− | select host_name as hname from v$instance;
| |
− | | |
− | column bloc new_value dbloc noprint
| |
− | select value as bloc from v$parameter
| |
− | where name = 'db_block_size';
| |
− | | |
− | column bdate new_value dateaudit noprint
| |
− | select to_char(to_date(sysdate),'ddmmyy') as bdate from dual;
| |
− | | |
− | spool &logfile._&dbname._&hstname._&dateaudit..html
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Entete
| |
− | prompt <!DOCTYPE public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 strict//en" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
| |
− | prompt <html>
| |
− | prompt <head>
| |
− | prompt <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
| |
− | prompt <meta name="description" content="Audit Oracle HTML">
| |
− | prompt <title>Audit &dbname (&hstname)</title>
| |
− | prompt </head>
| |
− | prompt <BODY BGCOLOR="#003366">
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center>
| |
− | --select '<font color=WHITE size=+2><b>Audit base '||name from v$database;
| |
− | prompt <font color=WHITE size=+2><b>Audit &dbname (&hstname)
| |
− | select ' du '||to_char(to_date(sysdate),'DD-MON-YYYY',N'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = AMERICAN')||'</b>' as DATE_AUDIT from dual;
| |
− | prompt </font></td></tr></table>
| |
− | prompt <br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Section informations
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE">SECTION INFORMATIONS</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Historique audit
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>Historique d'audits</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | -- Creation table HISTAUDIT si necessaire
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=20%><b>Table historique</b></td>
| |
− | --prompt <td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">
| |
− | WHENEVER sqlerror EXIT sql.sqlcode
| |
| |
− | tabhist number;
| |
− | tabtools number;
| |
− | colmodif number;
| |
− | colval number;
| |
− | | |
| |
− | select count(table_name) into tabhist from dba_tables
| |
− | where table_name='HISTAUDIT' and owner='SYSTEM';
| |
− | select count(column_name) into colmodif from dba_tab_columns
| |
− | where table_name='HISTAUDIT' AND owner='SYSTEM' AND column_name='MODIFIED';
| |
− | select count(column_name) into colval from dba_tab_columns
| |
− | where table_name='HISTAUDIT' AND owner='SYSTEM' AND column_name='VALEUR';
| |
− | select count(tablespace_name) into tabtools from dba_tablespaces
| |
− | where tablespace_name='TOOLS';
| |
− | IF tabhist = 0 THEN
| |
− | IF tabtools = 0 THEN
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<td bgcolor="#FF0000">Creation table HISTAUDIT tablespace SYSTEM...<br>');
| |
− | -- dbms_output.put_line('Tablespace <b>TOOLS</b> inexistant !<br> Impossible de creer la table HISTAUDIT. Sortie du script.<br>');
| |
− | -- dbms_output.put_line('</td></tr></table>');
| |
− | -- raise_application_error(-20001,'Tablespace inexistant');
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create table SYSTEM.histaudit
| |
− | (date_aud date,
| |
− | type_obj varchar2(5),
| |
− | obj_name varchar2(30),
| |
− | total number,
| |
− | utilis number,
| |
− | VALEUR varchar2(255))';
| |
− | ELSE
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<td bgcolor="#33FF33">Creation table HISTAUDIT tablespace TOOLS...<br>');
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create table SYSTEM.histaudit
| |
− | (date_aud date,
| |
− | type_obj varchar2(5),
| |
− | obj_name varchar2(30),
| |
− | total number,
| |
− | utilis number,
| |
− | VALEUR varchar2(255))
| |
| |
− | END IF;
| |
− | ELSE
| |
− | IF colval=0 THEN
| |
− | IF colmodif>0 THEN
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter table system.histaudit drop column MODIFIED';
| |
− | END IF;
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter table system.histaudit add VALEUR varchar2(255)';
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<td bgcolor="#FF0000">Modification table HISTAUDIT (col VALEUR)');
| |
− | ELSE
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<td bgcolor="#33FF33">Table HISTAUDIT existante ');
| |
− | END IF;
| |
− | IF tabtools = 0 THEN
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('(tablespace SYSTEM)<br>');
| |
− | ELSE
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('(tablespace TOOLS)<br>');
| |
− | END IF;
| |
− | END IF;
| |
− | END;
| |
− | /
| |
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </td></tr>
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=20%><b>Précédent audit</b></td>
| |
− | prompt <td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">
| |
− | -- select decode(max(to_date(date_aud)),'','N/A',max(to_date(date_aud))) from system.histaudit
| |
− | -- where to_date(date_aud) < trunc(sysdate);
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | | |
− | variable last_audit varchar2(20);
| |
− | begin
| |
− | select decode(max(to_date(date_aud)),'','N/A',to_char(max(to_date(date_aud)),'DD-MON-YYYY',N'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = AMERICAN')) into :last_audit from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) < trunc(sysdate);
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | print last_audit
| |
− | prompt </td></tr></table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Hote
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=5><font color="WHITE"><b>Hôte</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"><b>Nom</b></td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"><b>OS</b></td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"><b>CPUs</b></td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"><b>Cores/CPU</b></td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"><b>RAM</b></td>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" width=20%>&hstname</td>
| |
− | select '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" width=20%>',PLATFORM_NAME,'</td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" width=20%>',cpu.VALUE,'</td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" width=20%>',core.VALUE,'</td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" width=20% align=right>', to_char(round(ram.VALUE/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00'), ' Mo'
| |
− | from v$database, v$osstat cpu, v$osstat core, v$osstat ram
| |
− | where cpu.STAT_NAME = 'NUM_CPUS'
| |
− | and core.STAT_NAME = 'NUM_CPU_CORES'
| |
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </td></tr>
| |
− | prompt </table>
| |
− | prompt <br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Versions
| |
− | delete from system.histaudit where trunc(to_date(date_aud))=trunc(sysdate) and type_obj='VERS';
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=5><font color="WHITE"><b>Versions</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | | |
− | -- Add <td> if no rows are returned (first audit)
| |
− | select decode(count(valeur), 0, '<tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" colspan=5>')
| |
− | from histaudit
| |
− | where obj_name like 'Oracle Database%';
| |
− | -- else change bg color if version has changed
| |
− | select decode(banner, valeur, '<tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" colspan=5>','<tr><td bgcolor="#FF0000" colspan=5>Version modifiée depuis le dernier audit<br><br>') from v$version,histaudit where banner like 'Oracle Database%'
| |
− | and obj_name like 'Oracle Database%'
| |
− | and to_date(date_aud) = (select max(to_date(date_aud)) from histaudit where type_obj = 'VERS');
| |
− | | |
− | select banner||'<br>' from v$version;
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | prompt </td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** MISE A JOUR TABLE HISTORIQUE (VERSION)
| |
− | insert into system.histaudit (
| |
− | select sysdate, 'VERS', 'Oracle Database', 0, 0, banner
| |
− | from v$version
| |
− | where banner like 'Oracle Database%');
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Patchs installes
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=5><font color="WHITE"><b>Patchs installés</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"><b>Date</b></td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"><b>Action</b></td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"><b>Version</b></td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"><b>ID</b></td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"><b>Description</b></td>
| |
− | | |
− | select '<tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">',to_char(ACTION_TIME,'DD/MM/YYYY'), '</td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">', ACTION, '</td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">', VERSION, '</td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">', ID, '</td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">', COMMENTS,'</td></tr>'
| |
− | from sys.registry$history
| |
− | order by 1;
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_patch number := 0;
| |
| |
− | select count(ACTION_TIME) into cnt_patch from sys.registry$history;
| |
− | if cnt_patch=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"> </td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"> </td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"> </td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"> </td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"> </td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Options installees
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=5><font color="WHITE"><b>Options installées</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | SELECT DISTINCT '<tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" colspan=5>',PARAMETER,'</td>','</tr>' FROM V$OPTION where VALUE = 'TRUE' order by 1;
| |
− | prompt </table>
| |
− | prompt <br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** NLS_PARAMETERS
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>Paramètres NLS Instance</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=50%><b>Paramètre</b></td><td width=50%><b>Valeur</b></td>
| |
− | select '<tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||parameter||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||value||'</td>','</tr>' from v$nls_parameters;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>Paramètres NLS database</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=50%><b>Paramètre</b></td><td width=50%><b>Valeur</b></td>
| |
− | select '<tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||parameter||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||value||'</td>','</tr>' from nls_database_parameters;
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** AUTRES PARAMETRES D'INIT
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print info
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="Les principaux paramètres d'initialisation sont indiqués dans les différentes sections correspondant à leur champ d'action"></td>
| |
− | prompt <td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Autres paramètres d'initialisation (instance)</b></font></td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=50%><b>Paramètre</b></td><td width=50%><b>Valeur</b></td>
| |
− | select '<tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||name||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||value||'</td>','</tr>' from v$parameter where name in ('open_cursors','processes','compatible','remote_login_passwordfile','session','utl_file_dir','undo_retention') order by 1;
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Modifies lors du dernier audit ?
| |
− | prompt <tr>
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <td><b>Paramètres modifiés lors du dernier audit</b></td>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_init number := 0;
| |
| |
− | select count(H1.obj_name) into cnt_init from system.histaudit H1, system.histaudit H2
| |
− | where H1.obj_name = H2.obj_name
| |
− | and H1.type_obj = 'INIT'
| |
− | and H2.type_obj = 'INIT'
| |
− | and H1.valeur <> H2.valeur
| |
− | and trunc(to_date(H1.date_aud)) = trunc(sysdate)
| |
− | and to_date(H2.date_aud) = (select max(to_date(date_aud)) from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) < trunc(sysdate));
| |
− | if cnt_init=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<td bgcolor="#33FF33">AUCUN');
| |
− | else
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<td bgcolor="ORANGE">');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | select H1.obj_name, ' (', H2.valeur, ' -> ', H1.valeur, ')<br>'
| |
− | from system.histaudit H1, system.histaudit H2
| |
− | where H1.obj_name = H2.obj_name
| |
− | and H1.type_obj = 'INIT'
| |
− | and H2.type_obj = 'INIT'
| |
− | and H1.valeur <> H2.valeur
| |
− | and trunc(to_date(H1.date_aud)) = trunc(sysdate)
| |
− | and to_date(H2.date_aud) = (select max(to_date(date_aud)) from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) < trunc(sysdate));
| |
− | prompt </td></tr></table>
| |
− | prompt <br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** NOMS
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>Noms database et instance</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | select '<tr><td bgcolor="WHITE" width=20%>DB_NAME</td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||name||'</td>','</tr>' from v$database;
| |
− | select '<tr><td bgcolor="WHITE" width=20%>DB_UNIQUE_NAME</td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||value||'</td>','</tr>' from v$parameter where name='db_unique_name';
| |
− | select '<tr><td bgcolor="WHITE" width=20%>INSTANCE_NAME</td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||instance_name||'</td>','</tr>' from v$instance;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table>
| |
− | prompt <br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Informations Generales
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | --NE PLUS INTERPRETER LE "&" par sqlplus POUR L'INSTANT, le HTML en a besoin
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>Informations générales</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=20%><b>Base créée le</b></td>
| |
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | prompt <td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">
| |
− | select CREATED from v$database;
| |
− | prompt </td></tr><tr>
| |
− | prompt <td><b>Up depuis le</b> </td>
| |
− | prompt <td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">
| |
− | select STARTUP_TIME from v$instance;
| |
− | prompt </td></tr><tr>
| |
− | prompt <td><b>Taille de blocs</b></td>
| |
− | prompt <td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">
| |
− | prompt &dbloc octets
| |
− | prompt </td></tr>
| |
− | -- Archive log mode
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=20%><b>Archive log mode</b></td>
| |
− | select decode(log_mode,'ARCHIVELOG','<td bgcolor="#33FF33">'||log_mode||'<br>','<td bgcolor="#FF9900">'||log_mode||'<br>') from v$database;
| |
− | prompt </td></tr>
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=20%><b>Archive log destination</b></td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">
| |
− | select distinct decode(d.log_mode,'ARCHIVELOG',p.name||' = '||p.value||'<br/>', 'N/A') from v$database d,v$parameter p where (p.name like 'log_archive_dest_%' or p.name = 'log_archive_dest') and p.name not like '%state%' and p.value is not NULL;
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_dest number := 0;
| |
| |
− | select count(name) into cnt_dest from v$parameter
| |
− | where (name like 'log_archive_dest_%' or name = 'log_archive_dest') and name not like '%state%' and value is not NULL;
| |
− | if cnt_dest=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('N/A');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=20%><b>Archive log format</b></td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">
| |
− | select decode(d.log_mode,'ARCHIVELOG',p.value, 'N/A') from v$database d,v$parameter p where p.name like 'log_archive_format';
| |
− | prompt </td></tr></table>
| |
− | prompt <br>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** SPFILE ou init.ora ?
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=3>
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print info
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="Si l'instance est lancée avec un fichier SPFILE le chemin de celui-ci est affiché. Dans le cas contraire on affiche seulement 'NON' car le chemin du fichier texte init.ora n'est pas disponible dans les tables système."></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Initialisation : spfile ou init.ora ?</b></font></td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>SPFILE</b></td>
| |
− | SELECT decode(value,'','<td bgcolor="#FF0000" width=15%>NON</td>','<td bgcolor="#33FF33" width=15%>OUI</td>'), decode(value,'','<td>N/A</td></tr>','<td>'||value||'</td></tr>') FROM v$parameter WHERE name like 'spfile' ;
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table>
| |
− | prompt <br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** MISE A JOUR TABLE HISTORIQUE (PARAMETRES INIT)
| |
− | delete from system.histaudit where trunc(to_date(date_aud))=trunc(sysdate) and type_obj='INIT';
| |
− | insert into system.histaudit (
| |
− | select sysdate, 'INIT', substr(name,1,30), 0, 0, value
| |
− | from v$parameter
| |
− | where ISDEFAULT='FALSE');
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** SECTION STOCKAGE
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE">SECTION STOCKAGE</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** MISE A JOUR TABLE HISTORIQUE (TABLESPACES ET SEGMENTS)
| |
− | delete from system.histaudit where trunc(to_date(date_aud))=trunc(sysdate) and type_obj='TBS';
| |
− | insert into system.histaudit (
| |
− | select sysdate, 'TBS', t.tablespace_name, t.total,
| |
− | decode(u.utilise,'',0,u.utilise), 0
| |
− | from (select df.tablespace_name,
| |
− | round(sum(df.bytes)/(1024*1024),2) total
| |
− | from dba_data_files df, dba_tablespaces dt
| |
− | where df.tablespace_name = dt.tablespace_name
| |
− | and dt.contents not in ('UNDO')
| |
− | group by df.tablespace_name) t,
| |
− | (select tablespace_name,
| |
− | round(sum(blocks)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2) utilise
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | group by tablespace_name) u
| |
− | where t.tablespace_name=u.tablespace_name(+)
| |
| |
− | select sysdate, 'TBS', tablespace_name, total,
| |
− | 0, 0
| |
− | from (select df.tablespace_name,
| |
− | round(sum(df.bytes)/(1024*1024),2) total
| |
− | from dba_temp_files df, dba_tablespaces dt
| |
− | where df.tablespace_name = dt.tablespace_name
| |
− | and dt.contents in ('UNDO')
| |
− | group by df.tablespace_name)
| |
| |
− | select sysdate, 'TBS', tablespace_name, total,
| |
− | 0, 0
| |
− | from (select tablespace_name,
| |
− | round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) total
| |
− | from dba_temp_files
| |
− | group by tablespace_name));
| |
− | | |
− | delete from system.histaudit where trunc(to_date(date_aud))=trunc(sysdate) and type_obj='TAB';
| |
− | insert into system.histaudit (
| |
− | select sysdate, 'TAB', 'Total segments tables', total,
| |
− | 0, 0
| |
− | from (select decode(round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2),NULL,0,round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2)) total
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | where segment_type like 'TABLE%'
| |
− | and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers));
| |
− | delete from system.histaudit where trunc(to_date(date_aud))=trunc(sysdate) and type_obj='IND';
| |
− | insert into system.histaudit (
| |
− | select sysdate, 'IND', 'Total segments indexes', total,
| |
− | 0, 0
| |
− | from (select decode(round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2),NULL,0,round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2)) total
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | where segment_type like 'INDEX%'
| |
− | and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers));
| |
− | delete from system.histaudit where trunc(to_date(date_aud))=trunc(sysdate) and type_obj='AUT';
| |
− | insert into system.histaudit (
| |
− | select sysdate, 'AUT', 'Total segments autres', total,
| |
− | 0, 0
| |
− | from (select decode(round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2),NULL,0,round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2)) total
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | where segment_type not like 'TABLE%'
| |
− | and segment_type not like 'INDEX%'
| |
− | and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers));
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** TABLESPACES
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE" size=2>TABLESPACES</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | -- *************************************** Liste tablespaces
| |
− | -- prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | -- prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=3><font color="WHITE"><b>Liste des tablespaces</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | -- prompt <tr><td><b>Tablespace</b></td><td><b>Contenu</b></td><td><b>Statut</b></td></tr>
| |
− | -- prompt
| |
− | -- select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||tablespace_name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||contents||'</td>', decode(status,'ONLINE','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||status||'</td>','<td bgcolor="#FF0000">'||status||'</td>'),'</tr>' from dba_tablespaces
| |
− | -- order by tablespace_name;
| |
− | -- prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Liste datafiles
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=6><font color="WHITE"><b>Liste des datafiles par tablespace</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | --prompt <tr><td><b>Tablespace</b></td><td><b>Fichier</b></td><td><b>Taille (Mo)</b></td><td><b>Utilisé</b></td><td><b>Autoext.</b></td><td><b>Next</b></td><td><b>MaxSize</b></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Tablespace</b></td><td><b>Fichier</b></td><td><b>Taille (Mo)</b></td><td><b>Autoext.</b></td><td><b>Next</b></td><td><b>MaxSize</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | | |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||df.TABLESPACE_NAME||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||df.FILE_NAME||'</td>',
| |
− | --'<td bgcolor="'||decode (CONTENTS,'UNDO','#33FF33',decode(autoextensible,'NO','#33FF33',CouleurLimite(sum(blocks)*&dbloc,sum(maxbytes),sum(maxbytes)*0.10,1)))||'" align=right>'||decode(round(sum(blocks)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2),NULL,to_char('0','S99G999G990D00'),to_char(round(sum(blocks)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00'))||'</td>', decode(autoextensible,'NO','<td bgcolor="#FF9900" align=right>OFF</td>','<td bgcolor="#33FF33" align=right>ON</td>'), '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(sum(increment_by)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(sum(maxbytes)/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>', '</tr>'
| |
− | --'<td bgcolor="'||decode (CONTENTS,'UNDO','#33FF33',decode(autoextensible,'NO','#33FF33',CouleurLimite(sum(df.blocks)*&dbloc,(sum(df.maxbytes)-(sum(df.maxbytes)*0.20)),(sum(df.maxbytes)-(sum(df.maxbytes)*0.20))*0.10,1)))||'" align=right>'||decode(round(sum(df.bytes)/(1024*1024),2),NULL,to_char('0','S99G999G990D00'),to_char(round(sum(df.bytes)/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00'))||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(BIGFILE,'YES',round(df.bytes/(1024*1024*1024),2),round(df.bytes/(1024*1024),2)),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>', decode(autoextensible,'NO','<td bgcolor="#FF9900" align=right>OFF</td>','<td bgcolor="#33FF33" align=right>ON</td>'), '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(sum(increment_by)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(BIGFILE,'YES',round(sum(df.maxbytes)/(1024*1024*1024),2),round(sum(df.maxbytes)/(1024*1024),2)),'99G999G990')||'</td>', '</tr>'
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="'||decode (CONTENTS,'UNDO','#33FF33',decode(autoextensible,'NO','#33FF33',CouleurLimite(sum(df.blocks)*&dbloc,(sum(df.maxbytes)-(sum(df.maxbytes)*0.20)),(sum(df.maxbytes)-(sum(df.maxbytes)*0.20))*0.10,1)))||'" align=right>'||decode(round(sum(df.bytes)/(1024*1024),2),NULL,to_char('0','S99G999G990D00'),to_char(round(sum(df.bytes)/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00'))||'</td>', decode(autoextensible,'NO','<td bgcolor="#FF9900" align=right>OFF</td>','<td bgcolor="#33FF33" align=right>ON</td>'), '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(sum(increment_by)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(BIGFILE,'YES',round(sum(df.maxbytes)/(1024*1024*1024),2),round(sum(df.maxbytes)/(1024*1024),2)),'99G999G990')||'</td>', '</tr>'
| |
| |
− | where df.tablespace_name=dt.tablespace_name(+)
| |
− | group by df.tablespace_name, df.file_name, autoextensible, contents, bigfile
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||df.TABLESPACE_NAME||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||FILE_NAME||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="#33FF33" align=right>'||decode(round(sum(df.blocks)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2),NULL,to_char('0','S99G999G990D00'),to_char(round(sum(df.blocks)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00'))||'</td>', decode(autoextensible,'NO','<td bgcolor="#FF9900" align=right>OFF</td>','<td bgcolor="#33FF33" align=right>ON</td>'), '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(sum(increment_by)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(BIGFILE,'YES',round(sum(df.maxbytes)/(1024*1024*1024),2),round(sum(df.maxbytes)/(1024*1024),2)),'99G999G990')||'</td>', '</tr>'
| |
| |
− | where df.tablespace_name=dt.tablespace_name(+)
| |
− | group by df.tablespace_name,df.file_name, autoextensible, bigfile
| |
− | order by 2,3;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Volumétrie tablespaces
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=10><font color="WHITE"><b>Volumétrie actuelle + différence de tailles depuis le dernier audit (
| |
− | print last_audit
| |
− | prompt )</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Tablespace</b></td><td><b>Bigfile ou<br/>Temporaire</b></td><td><b>Contenu</b></td><td><b>Statut</b></td><td width=10%><b>Taille max. totale (Mo)</b></td><td width=10%><b>Total actuel (Mo)</b></td><td width=10%><b>Utilisé (Mo)</b></td><td width=10%><b>Libre actuel (Mo)</b></td><td width=10%><b>Total sur disque depuis dernier audit (Mo)</b></td><td width=10%><b>Utilisé depuis dernier audit (Mo)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | set define "&"
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||t.tablespace_name||'</td>' Tablespace, '<td bgcolor="'||decode(BIGFILE,'YES','#FF9900','LIGHTBLUE')||'" align=center>'||maxt.bigfile||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||maxt.contents||'</td>', decode(maxt.status,'ONLINE','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||maxt.status||'</td>','<td bgcolor="#FF0000">'||maxt.status||'</td>'),
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||decode(t.autoextensible,'NO',decode(t.total,'',to_char(round(l.libre,0),'99G999G990D00'),to_char(t.total,'99G999G990D00')),decode(maxt.maxtotal,'',to_char(round(l.libre,0),'99G999G990D00'),to_char(maxt.maxtotal,'99G999G990D00')))||'</td>' TOTAL,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||decode(t.total,'',to_char(round(l.libre,0),'99G999G990D00'),to_char(t.total,'99G999G990D00'))||'</td>' TOTAL_CURRENT,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||decode(u.utilise,'','0,00',to_char(u.utilise,'99G999G990D00'))||'</td>' UTILISE,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="'||decode(t.autoextensible,'NO',decode(u.utilise,'', '#33FF33',CouleurLimite(u.utilise,t.total-(t.total*0.20),t.total*0.10,1)),decode(u.utilise,'', '#33FF33', CouleurLimite(u.utilise,maxt.maxtotal-(maxt.maxtotal*0.20),maxt.maxtotal*0.10,1)))||'" align=right>'||decode(l.libre,NULL,to_char(t.total-(decode(u.utilise,'',0,u.utilise)),'99G999G990D00'),to_char(l.libre,'99G999G990D00'))||'</td>' LIBRE, --'</tr>',
| |
− | --'<tr>','<td bgcolor="WHITE" colspan=2 align=right><img src=""></td>',
| |
− | decode(SIGN(a.total-h.total),
| |
− | -1,'<td bgcolor="#33FF33" align=right>'||to_char(a.total-h.total,'S99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | 0,'<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right >'||to_char(a.total-h.total,'99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | 1,'<td bgcolor="ORANGE" align=right>'||to_char(a.total-h.total,'S99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | NULL,'<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right ><font color="WHITE">Premier audit</font></td>'),
| |
− | decode(SIGN(a.utilis-h.utilis),
| |
− | -1,'<td bgcolor="#33FF33" align=right >'||to_char(a.utilis-h.utilis,'S99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | 0,'<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(a.utilis-h.utilis,'99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | 1,'<td bgcolor="ORANGE" align=right>'||to_char(a.utilis-h.utilis,'S99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | NULL,'<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE">Premier audit</font></td>'),'</tr>' --,
| |
− | -- '<tr><td bgcolor="WHITE" colspan=6 height=3>
| |
− | -- <img src=""></td></tr>'
| |
− | from (select tablespace_name, autoextensible,
| |
− | round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) total
| |
− | from dba_data_files
| |
− | group by tablespace_name, autoextensible) t,
| |
− | (select df.tablespace_name, df.autoextensible, dt.contents, dt.status,
| |
− | bigfile,
| |
− | decode(BIGFILE,'YES',round(sum(df.maxbytes)/(1024*1024*1024),2),round(sum(df.maxbytes)/(1024*1024),2)) maxtotal
| |
− | from dba_data_files df, dba_tablespaces dt
| |
− | where df.tablespace_name=dt.tablespace_name(+)
| |
− | group by df.tablespace_name, df.autoextensible, dt.contents, dt.status, BIGFILE) maxt,
| |
− | (select tablespace_name,
| |
− | round(sum(blocks)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2) utilise
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | group by tablespace_name) u,
| |
− | (select tablespace_name,
| |
− | round(sum(blocks)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2) libre
| |
− | from dba_free_space
| |
− | group by tablespace_name) l,
| |
− | (select * from system.histaudit
| |
− | where trunc(to_date(date_aud))=trunc(sysdate)
| |
− | and type_obj='TBS') a,
| |
− | (select * from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) like
| |
− | (select decode(max(to_date(date_aud)),NULL,trunc(sysdate),max(to_date(date_aud))) from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) < trunc(sysdate)
| |
− | and type_obj='TBS')
| |
− | and type_obj='TBS') h
| |
− | where t.tablespace_name=u.tablespace_name(+)
| |
− | and u.tablespace_name=l.tablespace_name(+)
| |
− | and t.tablespace_name=maxt.tablespace_name(+)
| |
− | and a.obj_name=h.obj_name
| |
− | and a.obj_name=t.tablespace_name
| |
− | and maxt.contents not in ('UNDO')
| |
− | order by t.tablespace_name;
| |
− | | |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||t.tablespace_name||'</td>' Tablespace, '<td bgcolor="'||decode(BIGFILE,'YES','#FF9900','LIGHTBLUE')||'" align=center>'||maxt.bigfile||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||maxt.contents||'</td>', decode(maxt.status,'ONLINE','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||maxt.status||'</td>','<td bgcolor="#FF0000">'||maxt.status||'</td>'),
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||decode(t.autoextensible,'NO',decode(t.total,'',to_char(round(l.libre,0),'99G999G990D00'),to_char(t.total,'99G999G990D00')),decode(maxt.maxtotal,'',to_char(round(l.libre,0),'99G999G990D00'),to_char(maxt.maxtotal,'99G999G990D00')))||'</td>' TOTAL,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||decode(t.total,'',to_char(round(l.libre,0),'99G999G990D00'),to_char(t.total,'99G999G990D00'))||'</td>' TOTAL_CURRENT,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||decode(u.utilise,'','0,00',to_char(u.utilise,'99G999G990D00'))||'</td>' UTILISE,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||decode(l.libre,NULL,to_char(t.total-(decode(u.utilise,'',0,u.utilise)),'99G999G990D00'),to_char(l.libre,'99G999G990D00'))||'</td>' LIBRE,'<td bgcolor="LIGHTGREY" align=center><img src=""></td><td bgcolor="LIGHTGREY" align=center><img src=""></td></tr>'
| |
− | from (select tablespace_name, autoextensible,
| |
− | round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) total
| |
− | from dba_data_files
| |
− | group by tablespace_name, autoextensible) t,
| |
− | (select df.tablespace_name, df.autoextensible, dt.contents, dt.status,
| |
− | bigfile,
| |
− | decode(BIGFILE,'YES',round(sum(df.maxbytes)/(1024*1024*1024),2),round(sum(df.maxbytes)/(1024*1024),2)) maxtotal
| |
− | from dba_data_files df, dba_tablespaces dt
| |
− | where df.tablespace_name=dt.tablespace_name(+)
| |
− | group by df.tablespace_name, df.autoextensible, dt.contents, dt.status, BIGFILE) maxt,
| |
− | (select tablespace_name,
| |
− | round(sum(blocks)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2) utilise
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | group by tablespace_name) u,
| |
− | (select tablespace_name,
| |
− | round(sum(blocks)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2) libre
| |
− | from dba_free_space
| |
− | group by tablespace_name) l
| |
− | where t.tablespace_name=u.tablespace_name(+)
| |
− | and u.tablespace_name=l.tablespace_name(+)
| |
− | and t.tablespace_name=maxt.tablespace_name(+)
| |
− | and maxt.contents in ('UNDO');
| |
− | | |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||t.tablespace_name||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTGREY" align=center>TEMP</td>' as bigfile, '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||contents||'</td>', decode(status,'ONLINE','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||status||'</td>','<td bgcolor="#FF0000">'||status||'</td>'),
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(total,'99G999G990D00')||'</td>' as total,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(total,'99G999G990D00')||'</td>' as fake,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>0,00</td>' as utilise,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(total,'99G999G990D00')||'</td>' as libre,'<td bgcolor="LIGHTGREY" align=center><img src=""></td><td bgcolor="LIGHTGREY" align=center><img src=""></td></tr>'
| |
− | from (select df.tablespace_name, dt.contents, dt.status,
| |
− | round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) total
| |
− | from dba_temp_files df, dba_tablespaces dt
| |
− | where df.tablespace_name = dt.tablespace_name
| |
− | group by df.tablespace_name, dt.contents, dt.status) t;
| |
− | | |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="WHITE" colspan=4>TOTAL</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||to_char(decode(dmty.total,'',0,dmty.total)+decode(dmtn.total,'',0,dmtn.total)+tt.total,'99G999G990D00')||'</b></font></td>' as maxtotal,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||to_char(dt.total+tt.total,'99G999G990D00')||'</b></font></td>' as total,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||to_char(du.utilise+tu.utilise,'99G999G990D00')||'</b></font></td>' as utilise,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||to_char(dl.libre+tl.libre,'99G999G990D00')||'</b></font></td>' as libre --,'</tr>'
| |
− | from (select round(sum(df.maxbytes)/(1024*1024*1024),2) total
| |
− | from dba_data_files df, dba_tablespaces dt
| |
− | where df.tablespace_name=dt.tablespace_name(+)
| |
− | and BIGFILE='YES'
| |
− | and dt.contents not in ('UNDO')) dmty,
| |
− | (select round(sum(df.maxbytes)/(1024*1024),2) total
| |
− | from dba_data_files df, dba_tablespaces dt
| |
− | where df.tablespace_name=dt.tablespace_name(+)
| |
− | and BIGFILE='NO'
| |
− | and dt.contents not in ('UNDO')) dmtn,
| |
− | (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) total from dba_data_files) dt,
| |
− | (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) total from dba_temp_files) tt,
| |
− | (select round(sum(blocks)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2) utilise from dba_segments) du,
| |
− | (select 0 utilise from dual) tu, -- considere que temp est toujours 100% libre
| |
− | (select round(sum(blocks)*&dbloc/(1024*1024),2) libre from dba_free_space) dl,
| |
− | (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) libre from dba_temp_files) tl;
| |
− |
| |
− | select '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||to_char(round(sum(a.total-h.total)),'S99G999G990D00')||'</b></font></td>' as total,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right colspan=4><font color="WHITE"><b>'||to_char(round(sum(a.utilis-h.utilis)),'S99G999G990D00')||'</b></font></td>' as utilise,'</tr>'
| |
− | from (select * from system.histaudit
| |
− | where trunc(to_date(date_aud))=trunc(sysdate)
| |
− | and type_obj='TBS') a,
| |
− | (select * from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) like
| |
− | (select decode(max(to_date(date_aud)),NULL,trunc(sysdate),max(to_date(date_aud))) from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) < trunc(sysdate)
| |
− | and type_obj='TBS')
| |
− | and type_obj='TBS') h
| |
− | where a.obj_name=h.obj_name;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** SEGMENTS
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE" size=2>SEGMENTS (Objets utilisateurs)</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Volumétrie tables et indexes
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=3><font color="WHITE"><b>Volumétrie segments utilisateurs</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Type de segments</b></td><td><b>Total (Mo)</b></td><td><b>Différence de taille depuis le dernier audit (
| |
− | print last_audit
| |
− | prompt )</b></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">TABLES</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||decode(a.total, NULL, '0,00', to_char(round(a.total,2),'99G999G990D00'))||'</b></font></td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||decode(a.total, NULL, to_char(round(-l.total,2),'S99G999G990D000'), to_char(round(a.total-l.total,2),'S99G999G990D00'))||'</b></font></td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) as total from dba_segments
| |
− | where segment_type like 'TABLE%'
| |
− | and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers) a,
| |
− | (select * from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) like
| |
− | (select decode(max(to_date(date_aud)),NULL,trunc(sysdate),max(to_date(date_aud))) from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) < trunc(sysdate)
| |
− | and type_obj='TAB')
| |
− | and type_obj='TAB') l;
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">INDEXES</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||decode(a.total, NULL, '0,00', to_char(round(a.total,2),'99G999G990D00'))||'</b></font></td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||decode(a.total, NULL, to_char(round(-l.total,2),'S99G999G990D00'), to_char(round(a.total-l.total,2),'S99G999G990D00'))||'</b></font></td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) as total from dba_segments
| |
− | where segment_type like 'INDEX%'
| |
− | and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers) a,
| |
− | (select * from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) like
| |
− | (select decode(max(to_date(date_aud)),NULL,trunc(sysdate),max(to_date(date_aud))) from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) < trunc(sysdate)
| |
− | and type_obj='IND')
| |
− | and type_obj='IND') l;
| |
− | select DISTINCT '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">AUTRES (LOB SEGMENTS, LOB INDEXES, CLUSTERS,...)</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||decode(a.total, NULL, '0,00', to_char(round(a.total,2),'99G999G990D00'))||'</b></font></td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||decode(a.total, NULL, to_char(round(-l.total,2),'S99G999G990D00'), to_char(round(a.total-l.total,2),'S99G999G990D00'))||'</b></font></td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) as total from dba_segments
| |
− | where segment_type not like 'TABLE%' and segment_type not like 'INDEX%'
| |
− | and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers) a,
| |
− | (select * from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) like
| |
− | (select decode(max(to_date(date_aud)),NULL,trunc(sysdate),max(to_date(date_aud))) from system.histaudit
| |
− | where trunc(to_date(date_aud)) < trunc(sysdate)
| |
− | and type_obj='AUT')
| |
− | and type_obj='AUT') l;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Mise à jour automatique des statistiques
| |
| |
− | -- 11g : 'MGMT_STATS_CONFIG_JOB' dans DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS dit seulement que OCM est actif. Mais il faut aussi regarder dans DBA_AUTOTASK_WINDOW_CLIENTS (fenetres de lancement des taches auto) et DBA_AUTOTASK_CLIENT (jobs lancés).
| |
− | -- Ces 2 tables n'existent pas en 10. Comment afficher "auto optimizer stats collection" de DBA_AUTOTASK_CLIENT si version 11, plutot que simplement "MGMT_STATS_CONFIG_JOB" qui ne dit pas si les stats sont aussi "enabled" ?
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>Mise à jour automatique des statistiques</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>JOB</b></td><td><b>Automatiques (O/N)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=left>',JOB_NAME,'</td>','<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>',STATE,'</b></font></td>','</tr>'
| |
| |
| |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** REDO LOG FILES
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE" size=2>REDO LOG FILES</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | -- *************************************** Redo logs files
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=4><font color="WHITE"><b>Liste des fichiers redo logs</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=8%><b>Groupe</b></td><td width=25%><b>Fichier</b></td><td width=5%><b>Statut</b></td><td width=15%><b>Taille (Mo)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">', l.group#, '</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">', member, '</td>', '<td bgcolor="',decode(f.status, 'STALE', 'ORANGE">', 'INVALID', '#FF0000">', '#33FF33">OK'),f.status,'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>',to_char(round(bytes/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00'),'</td>','</tr>' from v$log l,v$logfile f where l.group# = f.group# order by l.group#;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Statistiques switchs REDO LOG
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" colspan=3>
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print info
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="ATTENTION : l''historique des logs peut être supprimé au fur et à mesure : ces statistiques risquent de ne pas être viables."></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Statistiques switchs REDO LOGS</b></font></td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Statistique</b></td><td width=15%><b>Date</b></td><td width=15%><b>Valeur</b></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" valign=top>Nombre de switchs par jour (depuis 30 jours)</td>
| |
− | prompt <td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>
| |
− | select trunc(first_time)||'<br/>' from v$loghist
| |
− | where first_time > (sysdate-30)
| |
− | group by trunc(first_time)
| |
− | order by trunc(first_time);
| |
− | prompt </td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>
| |
− | select count(first_time)||'<br/>' from v$loghist
| |
− | where first_time > (sysdate-30)
| |
− | group by trunc(first_time)
| |
− | order by trunc(first_time);
| |
− | prompt </td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Stats switchs
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="WHITE">Moyenne par jour :</td>', '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>'||round(avg(nbc),0)||'</font></b></td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from (select count(*) as nbc from v$loghist a, v$loghist b
| |
− | where a.first_change#=b.switch_change#
| |
− | and to_char(a.first_time,'dd/mm/yyyy')=to_char(b.first_time,'dd/mm/yyyy')
| |
− | group by to_char(a.first_time,'dd/mm/yyyy'));
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** resume par mois (depuis 1 an)
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">Nombre de switchs par mois</td>
| |
− | prompt <td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>
| |
− | select to_char(to_date(first_time),'mm/yyyy')||'<br/>' from v$loghist
| |
− | where first_time > (sysdate-365)
| |
− | group by to_char(to_date(first_time),'mm/yyyy')
| |
− | order by to_char(to_date(first_time),'mm/yyyy');
| |
− | prompt <td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>
| |
− | select count(*)||'<br/>' from v$loghist
| |
− | where first_time > (sysdate-365)
| |
− | group by to_char(to_date(first_time),'mm/yyyy')
| |
− | order by to_char(to_date(first_time),'mm/yyyy');
| |
− | prompt </td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** temps minimum entre 2 switchs
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="WHITE">Temps MIN. entre 2 switchs :</td>', '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right colspan=2><font color="WHITE">'||to_char(min(a.first_time-b.first_time)*24*3600,'99999G990')||' secondes</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$loghist a, v$loghist b
| |
− | where a.first_change#=b.switch_change#;
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** temps maximum entre 2 switchs
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="WHITE">Temps MAX. entre 2 switchs :</td>', '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right colspan=2><font color="WHITE">'||to_char(max(a.first_time-b.first_time)*24*3600,'99999G990')||' secondes</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$loghist a, v$loghist b
| |
− | where a.first_change#=b.switch_change#;
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** temps moyen entre 2 switchs
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="WHITE">Temps MOY. entre 2 switchs :</td>', '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right colspan=2><font color="WHITE">'||to_char((sum(a.first_time-b.first_time)*24*3600)/count(a.first_time),'99999G990')||' secondes</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$loghist a, v$loghist b
| |
− | where a.first_change#=b.switch_change#;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** UNDO
| |
− | -- prompt <hr>
| |
− | -- prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE" size=2>UNDO / ROLLBACK SEGMENTS</font></b></div>
| |
− | -- prompt <hr>
| |
− | -- *************************************** Rollback segments -- inutile depuis 10g gestion auto
| |
− | --prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | --prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=3><font color="WHITE"><b>Rollback segments</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | --prompt <tr><td width=8%><b>Segment</b></td><td width=25%><b>Tablespace</b></td><td width=15%><b>Statut</b></td></tr>
| |
− | --select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||segment_name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||tablespace_name||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||status||'</td>','</tr>' from dba_rollback_segs;
| |
− | | |
− | --prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Stats rollback segs
| |
− | --prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | --prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=4><font color="WHITE"><b>Statistiques rollback segments</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | --prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Segment USN</b></td><td width=15%><b>Nom</b></td><td width=15%><b>Nombre SHRINKS</b></td><td width=15%><b>taille moyenne SHRINKS</b></td></tr>
| |
− | --select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||v$rollstat.usn||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||name||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||shrinks||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||aveshrink||'</td>','</tr>' from v$rollstat,v$rollname
| |
− | --where v$rollstat.usn=v$rollname.usn;
| |
− | | |
− | --prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** CONFLITS D'ACCES
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE" size=2>STATISTIQUES D'ACCES DISQUE</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** contentions de basculement
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" colspan=4>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print info
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="'Checkpoint not complete' : ce message apparait si le check point précédent n'est pas fini lors d'un CPKT ou d'un switch (qui occasionne lui-même un ckpt). Augmenter la taille des fichiers redo logs, ou leur nombre si ça ne suffit pas.">
| |
− | prompt <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print tips
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Info..." title="voir messages 'Checkpoint not complete' dans le fichier alert<SID>.log"></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Contentions de basculement redo logs</b></font></td><td width=10%> </td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Nom</b></td><td width=15%><b>Evènement</b></td><td width=15%><b>Wait (en secondes)</b></td><td width=15%><b>Etat</b></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||sid||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||event||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||seconds_in_wait||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||state||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$session_wait
| |
− | where event like 'log%';
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_event number := 0;
| |
| |
− | select count(sid) into cnt_event from v$session_wait
| |
− | where event like 'log%';
| |
− | if cnt_event=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Conflits d'acces disque
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" colspan=2>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print info
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="ATTENTION : ces valeurs sont cumulées depuis le dernier démarrage.">
| |
− | prompt <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print tips
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="Si data block > 0 (trop de blocs modifiés dans le buffer cache) augmenter le nombre de processus DBWR. Si segment header ou free list > 0 (multiplier les freelists en re-créant la table avec nouveau paramètre). Si un des paramètres UNDO est supérieur à 1% ou 2% besoin de plus de rollback segments."></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Conflits d'accès disque</b></font></td><td width=10%> </td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Classe</b></td><td width=15%><b>Nombre</b></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||class||'</td>','<td bgcolor="'||CouleurLimite(count,10000000,9990000,1)||'" align=right>'||count||'</td>','</tr>' from v$waitstat;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Efficacite d'acces aux fichiers
| |
− | -- EDIT 06/2013 : pas sur que ces informations servent vraiment... Il vaut mieux regarder les full scans
| |
− | --prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | --set define off
| |
− | --prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=4>
| |
− | --prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | --print tips
| |
− | --prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="L'efficacité d'accès indique le rapport entre les lectures/écritures et la répartition des données sur disque. Un ratio trop bas indique des accés concurrents trop fréquents, soit des index et tables mélangées, ou des tables non triées accédées fréquemment."></td>
| |
− | | |
− | --prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Efficacité des accès aux fichiers</b></font></td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | --prompt <tr><td><b>Tablespace</b></td><td><b>Fichier</b></td><td><b>Reads / Writes</b></td><td><b>Efficacité (%)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | --set define "&"
| |
− | | |
− | --select
| |
− | --'<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||f.tablespace_name||'</td>',
| |
− | --'<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||f.file_name||'</td>',
| |
− | --'<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||(v.phyrds+v.phywrts)||'</td>',
| |
− | --'<td bgcolor="'||CouleurLimite(ROUND(100*(v.phyrds+v.phywrts)/(v.phyblkrd+v.phyblkwrt),0),60,20,0)||'" align=right>'||TO_CHAR(DECODE(v.phyblkrd,0,null,ROUND(100*(v.phyrds+v.phywrts)/(v.phyblkrd+v.phyblkwrt),0)))||'%</td>',
| |
− | --'</tr>'
| |
− | --from DBA_data_files f, v$filestat v
| |
− | --where f.file_id=v.file#
| |
− | --ORDER BY 1,file#;
| |
− | | |
− | --prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** FULL SCANS
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=5>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print tips
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="La détection des FULL SCANS est faite par le rapport entre les requêtes de lectures et les lectures des données sur disque (les blocs). Un ratio > 50% signifie qu'un petit nombre de requêtes lisent un grand nombre de blocs, ce qui indique que les fichiers sont lus en entier trop fréquemment."></td>
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Détection des FULL SCAN sur disque</b></font></td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Tablespace</b></td><td><b>Fichier</b></td><td><b>Read requests</b></td><td><b>Blocks read</b></td><td><b>ratio (%)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | | |
− | select
| |
− | '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||f.tablespace_name||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||f.file_name||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||v.phyrds||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||v.phyblkrd||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="'||CouleurLimite(ROUND(100*(v.phyrds/v.phyblkrd),0),20,5,0)||'" align=right>'||TO_CHAR(DECODE(v.phyblkrd,0,null,ROUND(100*(v.phyrds/v.phyblkrd),0)))||'%</td>',
| |
− | --'<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||v.phywrts||'</td>',
| |
− | --'<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||v.phyblkwrt||'</td>',
| |
− | --'<td bgcolor="'||CouleurLimite(ROUND(100*(v.phywrts/v.phyblkwrt),0),60,20,0)||'" align=right>'||TO_CHAR(DECODE(v.phyblkwrt,0,null,ROUND(100*(v.phywrts/v.phyblkwrt),0)))||'%</td>',
| |
− | '</tr>'
| |
− | from DBA_data_files f, v$filestat v
| |
− | where f.file_id=v.file#
| |
− | ORDER BY f.tablespace_name,v.file#;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | --TIPS : Pour trouver les tables souvent lues séquentiellement (connexion SYS obligatoire !) :
| |
− | --set head on
| |
− | --set pages 0
| |
− | --col object_name format a40
| |
− | --col object_type format a15
| |
− | --col owner format a15
| |
− | --SELECT o.object_name, o.object_type, o.owner
| |
− | --FROM dba_objects o,x$bh x
| |
− | --WHERE x.obj=o.object_id
| |
− | --AND o.object_type='TABLE'
| |
− | --AND sys.standard.bitand(x.flag,524288)>0
| |
− | --AND o.owner<>'SYS'
| |
− | --GROUP BY o.object_name,o.object_type,o.owner;
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Evenements systemes
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=4><font color="WHITE"><b>Evénements système</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Evenement</b></td><td><b>Total waits</b></td><td><b>Timeout</b></td><td><b>Average time</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||event||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||total_waits||'</td>','<td bgcolor="'||decode(total_timeouts,0,'LIGHTBLUE','ORANGE')||'" align=right>'||total_timeouts||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(average_wait,'999999990D00')||'</td>','</tr>' from v$system_event
| |
− | where event like 'log%' or event like 'db file%';
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** SECTION INSTANCE
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE">SECTION INSTANCE</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | -- *************************************** POOLS MEMOIRE
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE" size=2>SGA</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Taille SGA
| |
− |
| |
− | -- TODO : ajouter TIPS KGH NO ACCESS sur la page html
| |
− | -- db_cache deborde car pas assez de place. Ajuster DB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZE (taille mini à garder) et DB_RECYCLE_CACHE_SIZE (taille
| |
− | --select pool,sum(bytes) from v$sgastat where pool is not null group by pool union select 'total SGA',sum(bytes) from v$sgastat where pool is not null union select 'KGH NO ACCESS', sum(bytes) from v$sgastat where name = 'KGH: NO ACCESS' union select 'total global',sum(bytes) from v$sgastat;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>Taille totale SGA</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>SGA</b></td><td><b>valeur (Mo)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | | |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">Total SGA instance</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(sum(s.bytes)/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$sgastat s where name != 'KGH: NO ACCESS'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">KGH NO ACCESS (Echange db_cache/SGA si mode ASMM)</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="'||decode(to_char(round(sum(s.bytes)/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00'),NULL,'#33FF33',CouleurLimite(round(sum(s.bytes)/(1024*1024),2),0,0,1))||'" align=right>'||decode(to_char(round(sum(s.bytes)/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00'),NULL,to_char('0','99G999G990D00'),to_char(round(sum(s.bytes)/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00'))||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$sgastat s where name = 'KGH: NO ACCESS'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">sga_max_size SPFILE</td>',
| |
− | decode(to_char(round(p.value/(1024*1024),2)),
| |
− | '','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>Non initialisé</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(p.value/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>'),'</tr>'
| |
− | from v$spparameter p
| |
− | where p.name = 'sga_max_size'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">sga_max_size INSTANCE</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(p.value/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$parameter p
| |
− | where p.name = 'sga_max_size'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">sga_target SPFILE</td>',
| |
− | decode(to_char(round(p.value/(1024*1024),2)),
| |
− | '','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>Non initialisé</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(p.value/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>'),'</tr>'
| |
− | from v$spparameter p
| |
− | where p.name = 'sga_target'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">sga_target INSTANCE</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(p.value/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$parameter p
| |
− | where p.name = 'sga_target'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">memory_max_target SPFILE</td>',
| |
− | decode(to_char(round(p.value/(1024*1024),2)),
| |
− | '','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>Non initialisé</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(p.value/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>'),'</tr>'
| |
− | from v$spparameter p
| |
− | where p.name = 'memory_max_target'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">memory_max_target INSTANCE</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(p.value/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$parameter p
| |
− | where p.name = 'memory_max_target'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">memory_target SPFILE</td>',
| |
− | decode(to_char(round(p.value/(1024*1024),2)),
| |
− | '','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>Non initialisé</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(p.value/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>'),'</tr>'
| |
− | from v$spparameter p
| |
− | where p.name = 'memory_target'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">memory_target INSTANCE</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(p.value/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$parameter p
| |
− | where p.name = 'memory_target'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="WHITE">TOTAL</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||to_char(round(sum(s.bytes)/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</b></font></td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$sgastat s;
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** MISE A JOUR TABLE HISTORIQUE
| |
− | delete from system.histaudit where trunc(to_date(date_aud))=trunc(sysdate) and type_obj='SGA';
| |
− | insert into system.histaudit (
| |
− | select sysdate,'SGA','sga_size (spfile/max_used)',total,valeur,0 from
| |
− | (select round(value/(1024*1024),2) total from v$parameter where name = 'sga_max_size') p,
| |
− | (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) valeur from v$sgastat) s
| |
− | );
| |
− | insert into system.histaudit (
| |
− | select sysdate, 'SGA', 'shared_pool (spfile/used)', t.Shared_pool_size, u.utilise, 0
| |
− | from (select name, round(value/(1024*1024),2) Shared_pool_size
| |
− | from v$parameter where name='shared_pool_size') t,
| |
− | (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) Utilise
| |
− | from v$sgastat where pool='shared pool' and name <> 'free memory') u);
| |
− | insert into system.histaudit (
| |
− | select sysdate,'SGA','buffer_cache',round(value/(1024*1024),2), 0, 0 from v$sga
| |
− | where name = 'Database Buffers');
| |
− | | |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Diff memoire utilisee
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=3><font color="WHITE"><b>Différence de tailles depuis le dernier audit (
| |
− | print last_audit
| |
− | prompt )</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <td><b>Espaces mémoire</b></td><td><b>SPFILE (Mo)</b></td><td><b>Utilisé (Mo)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||a.obj_name||'</td>',
| |
− | decode(SIGN(a.total-h.total),
| |
− | -1,'<td bgcolor="#33FF33" align=right>'||to_char(a.total-h.total,'S99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | 0,'<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(a.total-h.total,'99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | 1,'<td bgcolor="ORANGE" align=right>'||to_char(a.total-h.total,'S99G999G990D00')||'</td>') TOTAL,
| |
− | decode(SIGN(a.utilis-h.utilis),
| |
− | -1,'<td bgcolor="#33FF33" align=right>'||to_char(a.utilis-h.utilis,'S99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | 0,'<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(a.utilis-h.utilis,'99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | 1,'<td bgcolor="ORANGE" align=right>'||to_char(a.utilis-h.utilis,'S99G999G990D00')||'</td>') UTILISE,'</tr>'
| |
− | from
| |
− | (select * from system.histaudit
| |
− | where trunc(to_date(date_aud))=trunc(sysdate)
| |
− | and type_obj='SGA') a,
| |
− | (select * from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) like
| |
− | (select max(to_date(date_aud)) from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) < trunc(sysdate)
| |
− | and type_obj='SGA')
| |
− | and type_obj='SGA') h
| |
− | where a.obj_name=h.obj_name;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Pools memoire
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>SGA Infos</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Nom</b></td><td><b>Valeur (Mo)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>vue V$SGAINFO (>=10g)</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||name||'</td>' NOM,'<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(bytes/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>' total,'</tr>' from v$sgainfo;
| |
− | -- Pour compatibilite avec 9i :
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>vue V$SGA (toutes versions)</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||name||'</td>' NOM,'<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(value/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>' valeur,'</tr>' from v$sga;
| |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** SHARED POOL
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE" size=2>SHARED POOL</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | -- *************************************** Shared pool
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=4><font color="WHITE"><b>Shared pool area</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Pool</b></td><td><b>Total (Mo)</b></td><td><b>Utilisé (Mo)</b></td><td><b>Libre (Mo)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||t.name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(t.total,'99G999G990D00')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(u.utilise,'99G999G990D00')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(l.libre,'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from (select name, round(value/(1024*1024),2) Total
| |
− | from v$parameter where name='shared_pool_size') t,
| |
− | (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) Utilise
| |
− | from v$sgastat where pool='shared pool' and name <> 'free memory') u,
| |
− | (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) libre
| |
− | from v$sgastat where pool='shared pool' and name = 'free memory') l;
| |
− | -- select name,round(bytes/(1024*1024),2) valeur
| |
− | -- from v$sgastat where pool='shared pool';
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Dictionary cache
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" colspan=5>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print info
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Info..." title="GETS column represents the total number of times a process or Oracle asked for the item named in the column PARAMETER. GETMISSES column represents the number of times a request for dictionary information couldn't find that information in the dictionary cache and instead had to go to the SYSTEM tablespace to retrieve the information. SCANS column is the number of scan requests. SCANMISSES column is the times a scan failed to find the data in the cache.">
| |
− | prompt <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print tips
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="Augmenter SHARED_POOL_SIZE si les ratios (Library ET Dictionary cache) sont inférieur à 85%."></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Dictionary cache</b></font></td><td width=10%> </td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Gets</b></td><td width=15%><b>Get Misses</b></td><td width=15%><b>Scan</b></td><td width=15%><b>Scan Misses</b></td><td align=center><b>Ratio</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||sum(gets)||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||sum(getmisses)||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||sum(scans)||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||sum(scanmisses)||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="'||CouleurLimite(round((sum(gets)-sum(getmisses))/sum(gets),2)*100,85,5,0)||'" align=right>'||round((sum(gets)-sum(getmisses))/sum(gets),2)*100||' % </td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$rowcache;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Library cache
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" colspan=4>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print info
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Info..." title="Library Cache Misses indicate that the Shared Pool is not big enough to hold the shared SQL area for all concurrently open cursors. If you have no Library Cache misses (PINS = 0), you may get a small increase in performance by setting CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME = TRUE which prevents ORACLE from deallocating a shared SQL area while an application cursor associated with it is open. For Multi-threaded server, add 1K to SHARED_POOL_SIZE per user.">
| |
− | prompt <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print tips
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Info..." title="Augmenter SHARED_POOL_SIZE si les ratios (Library ET Dictionary cache) est inférieur à 85%"></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Library cache</b></font></td><td width=10%> </td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Executions</b></td><td><b>Rechargements</b></td><td colspan=2><b>Ratio</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||sum(pins)||'</td>' exec,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||sum(reloads)||'</td>' recharg,
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="'||CouleurLimite(round((sum(pins)-sum(reloads))/sum(pins),2)*100,85,5,0)||'" align=right colspan=2>'||round((sum(pins)-sum(reloads))/sum(pins),2)*100||' %</td>' ratio,'</tr>'
| |
− | from v$librarycache;
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Stat library cache
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" colspan=4>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print info
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Info..." title="GETS columns is the number of times a lock was requested for objects of this namespace. GETHITS column is the number of times an object's handle was found in memory. PINS column is the times a PIN was requested for objects of this namespace. PINHITS column is the number of times all of the metadata pieces of the library object were found in memory.">
| |
− | prompt <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print tips
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="Rapprocher ces statistiques des ratios dictionary et library cache.<br>Augmenter SHARED_POOL_SIZE si les ratios sont inférieur à 90%. BODY et INDEX ne sont pas significatifs et peuvent être ignorés."></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Statistiques library cache par types de requêtes</b></font></td><td width=10%> </td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td colspan=2><b>Namespace</b></td><td><b>GetHits</b></td><td><b>PinHits</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" colspan=2>'||namespace||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="'||CouleurLimite(round(gethitratio,2)*100,70,10,0)||'" align=right>'||round(gethitratio,2)*100||' %</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="'||CouleurLimite(round(pinhitratio,2)*100,70,10,0)||'" align=right>'||round(pinhitratio,2)*100||' %</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$librarycache;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Requetes les plus gourmandes
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=8><font color="WHITE"><b>Requêtes les plus gourmandes en ressources (moyennes par exécution)</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Adresse</b></td><td><b>Exécutions</b></td><td><b>Moy. tris</b></td><td><b>Moyenne lectures disque</b></td><td><b>Moyenne cpu(µsec)</b></td><td><b>Moyenne buffers</b></td><td><b>Requête sql</b></td></tr>
| |
− | SELECT '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||sqla.address||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||sqla.executions||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||round(sqla.sorts/sqla.executions,0)||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||round(sqla.disk_reads/sqla.executions,0)||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE"><b>'||round(sqla.cpu_time/sqla.executions,0)||'</b></td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||round(sqla.buffer_gets/sqla.executions,0)||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||replace(replace(sqla.sql_text, '<', '<'), '>', '>') ||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | FROM (select * from v$sqlarea where executions > 1) sqla
| |
− | WHERE sqla.cpu_time > 1000
| |
− | and sqla.COMMAND_TYPE in (2,3,6,7)
| |
− | --AND sqla.executions > 1 -- exclude our own and occasionnal requests
| |
− | AND sqla.BUFFER_GETS/sqla.executions > 100
| |
− | AND ROWNUM < 11
| |
− | ORDER BY round(sqla.cpu_time/sqla.executions,0) DESC;
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_rq number := 0;
| |
| |
− | select count(sqla.address) into cnt_rq from (select * from v$sqlarea where executions > 1) sqla
| |
− | WHERE sqla.cpu_time > 1000
| |
− | AND sqla.executions > 1
| |
− | AND sqla.COMMAND_TYPE in (2,3,6,7)
| |
− | AND sqla.BUFFER_GETS/sqla.executions > 100
| |
− | AND rownum = 1;
| |
− | if cnt_rq=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td>');
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** AUTRES POOLS
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE" size=2>AUTRES POOLS</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | -- *************************************** Large pool
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=4><font color="WHITE"><b>Large pool</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Nom</b></td><td width=15%><b>Total (Mo)</b></td><td width=15%><b>Utilise (Mo)</b></td><td width=15%><b>Libre (Mo)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||t.name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(t.total,NULL,0,t.total),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(u.utilise,NULL,0,t.total),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(l.libre,NULL,0,t.total),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from (select name, round(value/(1024*1024),2) total
| |
− | from v$parameter where name='large_pool_size') t,
| |
− | (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) utilise
| |
− | from v$sgastat where pool = 'large pool' and name <> 'free memory') u,
| |
− | (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) libre
| |
− | from v$sgastat where pool = 'large pool' and name = 'free memory') l;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Java pool
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=4><font color="WHITE"><b>Java pool</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Nom</b></td><td width=15%><b>Total (Mo)</b></td><td width=15%><b>Utilisé (Mo)</b></td><td width=15%><b>Libre (Mo)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||substr(t.name,1,30)||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(t.total,NULL,0,t.total),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(u.utilise,NULL,0,t.total),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(l.libre,NULL,0,t.total),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from (select name, round(value/(1024*1024),2) total
| |
− | from v$parameter where name='java_pool_size') t,
| |
− | (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) utilise
| |
− | from v$sgastat where pool = 'java pool' and name <> 'free memory') u,
| |
− | (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) libre
| |
− | from v$sgastat where pool = 'java pool' and name = 'free memory') l;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** BUFFER CACHE
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE" size=2>BUFFER CACHE</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | -- *************************************** Buffer cache : Blocs lus E/S
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" colspan=2>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print tips
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="Si ce ratio est très supérieur à 10, laisser tel quel (pas ajustable). Sinon ajuster _small_table_threshold (defaut 4) pour être inférieur à 10."></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Buffer cache : Blocs lus E/S</b></font></td><td width=10%> </td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Nom</b></td><td width=15%><b>Valeur</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||name||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||value||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$sysstat
| |
− | where name like 'table scan%'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="WHITE"> Ratio (scans blocks / (scans short tables + scans long tables))</td>', '<td bgcolor="'||CouleurLimite(round(t1.value/(t2.value+t3.value),2),15,1,1)||'" align=right>'||to_char(round(t1.value/(t2.value+t3.value),2),'99G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>' from v$sysstat t1, v$sysstat t2, v$sysstat t3
| |
− | where t1.name like 'table scan blocks gotten%'
| |
− | and t2.name like 'table scans (short tables)%'
| |
− | and t3.name like 'table scans (long tables)%';
| |
− | -- *************************************** Buffer cache : hit ratio
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" colspan=2>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print tips
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="Augmenter DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS (ou DB_BLOCK_SIZE) pour que le ratio soit entre 70% et 80%. Au-dessus de 98% on peut gagner de la mémoire en réduisant les buffers."></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Buffer cache : hit ratio</b></font></td><td width=10%> </td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Nom</b></td><td width=15%><b>Valeur</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||value||'</td>','</tr>' from v$sysstat
| |
− | where name in ('db block gets','consistent gets','physical reads')
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="WHITE">Ratio ((db blocks gets+consistent gets)-physical gets)/(db blocks gets+consistent gets)</td>','<td bgcolor="'||CouleurLimite(round(((t1.value+t2.value)-t3.value)/(t1.value+t2.value),2)*100,70,10,0)||'" align=right>'||round(((t1.value+t2.value)-t3.value)/(t1.value+t2.value),2)*100||' %</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$sysstat t1, v$sysstat t2, v$sysstat t3
| |
− | where t1.name='db block gets' and t2.name='consistent gets' and t3.name='physical reads';
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Redo buffers ****************************
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE" size=2>REDO BUFFERS</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=3><font color="WHITE"><b>Redo buffers</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15% colspan=2><b>Pool</b></td><td width=15%><b>Taille (Mo)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" colspan=2>'||name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(value/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>' from v$parameter
| |
− | where name='log_buffer';
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Stats redo logs (contentions)
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" colspan=2>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print tips
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="Augmenter LOG_BUFFER pour que REDO LOG SPACE REQUESTS soit proche de 0. Si le ratio wastage/size est inférieur à 80%, il y a trop de perte de place dans les fichiers redo, ce qui indique une activité trop forte du LGWR. Vérifier les checkpoints et/ou les switchs."></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Statistiques redo logs (contentions)</b></font></td><td width=10%> </td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Nom</b></td><td width=15%><b>Valeur</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||name||'</td>','<td bgcolor="'||decode(name,'redo log space requests',CouleurLimite(value,100000,1000,1),'redo log space wait time',CouleurLimite(value,100000,1000,1),'LIGHTBLUE')||'" align=right>'||value||'</td>','</tr>' from v$sysstat
| |
− | where name like 'redo%'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="WHITE">Ratio wastage/size</td>', '<td bgcolor="'||CouleurLimite(round(1-(t1.value/t2.value),2)*100,70,5,0)||'" align=right>'||round(1-(t1.value/t2.value),2)*100||' %</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$sysstat t1, v$sysstat t2
| |
− | where t1.name like 'redo wastage'
| |
− | and t2.name like 'redo size';
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Stats latchs (contentions)
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" colspan=3>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print tips
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Tips..." title="si un des ratio excede 5%, les performances sont affectées, diminuer LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_SIZE." width=15%></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Statistiques latchs (contentions)</b></font></td><td width=10%> </td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Nom</b></td><td width=15%><b>Ratio misses/gets</b></td><td width=25%><b>Ratio immediate misses/immediate gets</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(sum(misses)/(sum(gets)+0.00000000001)*100),'990D00')||' %</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(sum(immediate_misses)/(sum(immediate_misses+immediate_gets)+0.00000000001)*100),'990D00')||' %</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$latch
| |
− | where name in ('redo allocation', 'redo copy')
| |
− | group by name;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** zone de tri
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE" size=2>SORT AREA</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | -- *************************************** Taille zone de tri
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>Taille zone de tri</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Pool</b></td><td width=15%><b>Taille (Mo)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(value/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>' from v$parameter
| |
− | where name='sort_area_size';
| |
− | -- *************************************** Statistiques zone de tri
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>Statistiques zone de tri</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Nom</b></td><td width=15%><b>Valeur</b></td></tr>
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||value||'</td>','</tr>' from v$sysstat
| |
− | where name like 'sort%'
| |
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="WHITE">Ratio (1 - (sorts disk / sorts memory))</td>', '<td bgcolor="'||CouleurLimite(round(1-(t1.value/t2.value),2)*100,85,5,0)||'" align=right>'||round(1-(t1.value/t2.value),2)*100||' %</td>','</tr>' from v$sysstat t1, v$sysstat t2
| |
− | where t1.name like 'sorts (disk)%'
| |
− | and t2.name like 'sorts (memory)%';
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** PGA
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE" size=2>PGA</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | -- *************************************** Statistiques PGA
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=3><font color="WHITE"><b>Cumuls PGA</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Actuel (Mo)</b></td><td width=15%><b>Max alloué (Mo)</b></td><td width=15%><b>PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET (Mo)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(sum(PGA_ALLOC_MEM)/1024/1024,2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(sum(PGA_MAX_MEM)/1024/1024,2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(to_number(value)/1024/1024,2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$process,v$parameter
| |
− | where name='pga_aggregate_target'
| |
− | group by value;
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Detail UGA par utilisateur
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=3><font color="WHITE"><b>Détail UGA par utilisateur</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15% colspan=2><b>Schéma</b></td><td width=15%><b>Nombre de sessions par schéma</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" colspan=2>'||username||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||count(*)||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$statname n, v$sesstat t, v$session s
| |
− | where s.sid=t.sid
| |
− | and n.statistic#=t.statistic#
| |
− | and s.type='USER'
| |
− | and s.username is not null
| |
− | and n.name='session pga memory'
| |
− | group by username;
| |
− | | |
− | select '<tr><td width=15% colspan=2><b>Nombre d''utilisateurs au moment de l''audit</b></td>','<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE"><b>'||count(*)||'</b></td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$statname n, v$sesstat t, v$session s
| |
− | where s.sid=t.sid
| |
− | and n.statistic#=t.statistic#
| |
− | and s.type='USER'
| |
− | and s.username is not null
| |
− | and n.name='session pga memory';
| |
− | | |
− | select '<tr><td width=15% colspan=2><b>Total UGA (Mo)</b></td>','<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE">'||to_char(round(sum(value)/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$statname n, v$sesstat t
| |
− | where n.statistic#=t.statistic#
| |
− | and n.name='session uga memory';
| |
− | | |
− | select '<tr><td width=15% colspan=2><b>Total max UGA (Mo)</b></td>','<td bgcolor="BLUE" align=right><font color="WHITE">'||to_char(round(sum(value)/(1024*1024),2),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from v$statname n, v$sesstat t
| |
− | where n.statistic#=t.statistic#
| |
− | and n.name='session uga memory max';
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** ALERT.LOG
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE">ALERT LOG</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Lecture de l'alert log
| |
− | prompt <!-- ALERT.LOG -->
| |
− | | |
− | define alert_length="2000"
| |
− | column nlsdate new_value _nlsdate noprint;
| |
− | column bdump new_value _bdump noprint;
| |
− | column db new_value _db noprint;
| |
− | | |
− | select VALUE nlsdate from NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS where parameter = 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE';
| |
− | select VALUE bdump from v$parameter
| |
− | where name ='background_dump_dest';
| |
− | select instance_name db from v$instance;
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** creation de la table finale "alert_log"
| |
− | prompt <!-- Creation des tables, si necessaire -->
| |
| |
− | table_exist number;
| |
− | tabtools number;
| |
| |
− | select count(table_name) into table_exist from dba_tables
| |
− | where table_name='ALERT_LOG'
| |
− | and owner = 'SYSTEM';
| |
− | IF table_exist = 0 THEN
| |
− | select count(tablespace_name) into tabtools from dba_tablespaces
| |
− | where tablespace_name='TOOLS';
| |
− | IF tabtools = 0 THEN
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create table alert_log (
| |
− | alert_date date,
| |
− | alert_text varchar2(&&alert_length)
| |
− | )';
| |
− | ELSE
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create table alert_log (
| |
− | alert_date date,
| |
− | alert_text varchar2(&&alert_length)
| |
| |
− | END IF;
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create index alert_log_idx on alert_log(alert_date)';
| |
− | ELSE
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'truncate table alert_log';
| |
− | END IF;
| |
− | END;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | -- ***************************************** external table alert_log_disk
| |
| |
− | dir_exist number;
| |
| |
− | select count(DIRECTORY_NAME) into dir_exist from dba_directories
| |
| |
− | and owner in ('SYSTEM','SYS');
| |
− | IF dir_exist <> 0 THEN
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop directory BDUMP';
| |
− | END IF;
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create directory BDUMP as ''&_bdump''';
| |
− | END;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
| |
− | table_exist number;
| |
| |
− | select count(table_name) into table_exist from dba_tables
| |
− | where table_name='ALERT_LOG_DISK'
| |
− | and owner = 'SYSTEM';
| |
− | IF table_exist <> 0 THEN
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop table alert_log_disk';
| |
− | END IF;
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create table alert_log_disk (text varchar2(&&alert_length))
| |
− | organization external (
| |
− | type oracle_loader
| |
− | default directory BDUMP
| |
− | access parameters (
| |
− | records delimited by newline nologfile nobadfile
| |
− | fields terminated by "&" ltrim
| |
− | )
| |
− | location(''alert_&_db..log'')
| |
− | )
| |
− | reject limit unlimited';
| |
− | END;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | -- ************************************ update table alert_log from alert_log_disk
| |
− | prompt <!-- Remplissage des tables -->
| |
− | set serveroutput on
| |
− | declare
| |
− | isdate number := 0;
| |
− | start_updating number := 0;
| |
− | rows_total number := 0;
| |
− | rows_inserted number := 0;
| |
− | alert_date date;
| |
− | max_date date;
| |
− | alert_text alert_log_disk.text%type;
| |
− | | |
− | begin
| |
− | -- find a starting date : last audit
| |
− | select max(to_date(date_aud)) into max_date from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) < trunc(sysdate);
| |
− | select count(*) into rows_total from alert_log_disk;
| |
− |
| |
− | if (max_date is null) then
| |
− | max_date := to_date('01-01-1980', 'dd-mm-yyyy');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− |
| |
− | for r in (
| |
− | select text from alert_log_disk
| |
− | where text not like '%offlining%'
| |
− | and text not like 'ARC_:%'
| |
− | and text not like '%LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1%'
| |
− | and text not like '%Thread 1 advanced to log sequence%'
| |
− | and text not like '%Current log#%seq#%mem#%'
| |
− | and text not like '%Undo Segment%lined%'
| |
− | and text not like '%alter tablespace%back%'
| |
− | and text not like '%Log actively being archived by another process%'
| |
− | and text not like '%Committing creation of archivelog%'
| |
− | and text not like '%Private_strands%'
| |
− | and trim(text) not like '(&_db)'
| |
− | and text not like '%alter database backup controlfile to trace%'
| |
− | and text not like '%Created Undo Segment%'
| |
− | and text not like '%started with pid%'
| |
− | and text not like '%ORA-12012%'
| |
− | and text not like '%ORA-06512%'
| |
− | and text not like '%ORA-02097%'
| |
− | and text not like '%ORA-00439%'
| |
− | and text not like '%coalesce%'
| |
− | and text not like '%Beginning log switch checkpoint up to RBA%'
| |
− | and text not like '%Completed checkpoint up to RBA%'
| |
− | and text not like '%specifies an obsolete parameter%'
| |
− | and text not like '%BEGIN BACKUP%'
| |
− | and text not like '%END BACKUP%'
| |
| |
− | and text not like '%Starting%'
| |
− | and text not like '%autobackup%'
| |
− | and text not like '%handle%'
| |
− | )
| |
− | loop
| |
− | | |
− | isdate := 0;
| |
− | alert_text := null;
| |
− | | |
− | select count(*) into isdate
| |
− | from dual
| |
− | where substr(r.text, 21) in
| |
− | (to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY'), to_char(sysdate-365, 'YYYY'))
| |
− | and r.text not like '%cycle_run_year%';
| |
− | -- De 21 à 24 ça doit être une année. Si oui c'est une date, sinon, c'est un libellé quelconque.
| |
− | if (isdate = 1) then
| |
− | -- prendre à partir du mois (car.5) - forcer NLS en AMERICAN pour eviter les erreurs de conversion ? Tous les alert.log sont en AMERICAN ?
| |
− | -- si besoin de prendre le NLS de la base, utiliser la variable &_nlsdate à la place d'AMERICAN
| |
− | select to_date(substr(r.text, 5),'Mon dd hh24:mi:ss rrrr','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = AMERICAN')
| |
− | into alert_date
| |
− | from dual;
| |
− |
| |
− | if (alert_date > max_date) then
| |
− | start_updating := 1;
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | else
| |
− | alert_text := r.text;
| |
− | end if;
| |
− |
| |
− | if (alert_text is not null) and (start_updating = 1) then
| |
− | insert into alert_log values (alert_date, substr(alert_text, 1, &&alert_length));
| |
− | rows_inserted := rows_inserted + 1;
| |
− | commit;
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end loop;
| |
− |
| |
− | -- sys.dbms_output.put_line('Inserting after date '||to_char(max_date, 'DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SS'));
| |
− | -- sys.dbms_output.put_line('Rows Inserted: '||rows_inserted);
| |
− |
| |
− | commit;
| |
− | | |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | -- ************************************ Affichage des logs
| |
− | prompt <!-- Affichage des logs -->
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print info
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Info..." title="Messages d'erreurs depuis le dernier audit. Si des messages sont affichés, voir le détail dans le fichier alert<SID>.log, ou la table ALERT_LOG (résumé), ou la table externe ALERT_LOG_DISK (qui contient tout l'alert.log)."></td>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>&_bdump/alert_&_db..log</b></font></td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=20%><b>Date</b></td><td width=80%><b>Texte</b></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | rem http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/ora/admin/scripts/read_alert_log.html
| |
− | rem http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/ora/admin/read_alert/index.html
| |
− | rem http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_writing_alert_log_message.htm
| |
− | | |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||to_char(a.alert_date,'DD/MM/RR HH24:MI')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||a.alert_text||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from alert_log a,
| |
− | (select max(to_date(date_aud)) date_aud from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) < trunc(sysdate)) d
| |
− | where (alert_text like '%ORA-%'
| |
− | or alert_text like '%Checkpoint not complete%'
| |
− | or alert_text like '%CREATE%' or alert_text like '%DROP%' or alert_text like '%ALTER%')
| |
− | and alert_text not like 'ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG'
| |
− | and alert_text not like 'Completed:%'
| |
− | and a.alert_date > d.date_aud
| |
− | order by a.alert_date;
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_obj number := 0;
| |
| |
− | select count(a.alert_date) into cnt_obj
| |
− | from alert_log a,
| |
− | (select max(to_date(date_aud)) date_aud from system.histaudit
| |
− | where to_date(date_aud) < trunc(sysdate)) d
| |
− | where (alert_text like '%ORA-%'
| |
− | or alert_text like '%Checkpoint not complete%'
| |
− | or alert_text like '%CREATE%' or alert_text like '%DROP%' or alert_text like '%ALTER%')
| |
− | and alert_text not like 'ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG'
| |
− | and alert_text not like 'Completed:%'
| |
− | and a.alert_date > d.date_aud;
| |
− | | |
− | if cnt_obj=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Nettoyage de la table "alert_log"
| |
− | prompt <!-- Nettoyage table alert_log -->
| |
| |
− | table_exist number;
| |
| |
− | select count(table_name) into table_exist from dba_tables
| |
− | where table_name='ALERT_LOG'
| |
− | and owner = 'SYSTEM';
| |
− | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'truncate table alert_log';
| |
− | END;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | -- ****************** SECTION SCHEMAS - INFORMATIONS GLOBALES *************************
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | prompt <div align=center><b><font color="WHITE">SECTION SCHEMAS</font></b></div>
| |
− | prompt <hr>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Objets invalides
| |
− | prompt <!-- Objets invalides -->
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=4><font color="WHITE"><b>Objets invalides</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Propriétaire</b></td><td width=15%><b>Objet</b></td><td width=15%><b>Type</b></td><td width=15%><b>Statut</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||OWNER||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||object_name||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||object_type||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||status||'</td>','</tr>' from dba_objects where status <> 'VALID' and object_name not like 'BIN$%';
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_obj number := 0;
| |
| |
− | select count(object_name) into cnt_obj from dba_objects
| |
− | where status <> 'VALID'
| |
− | and rownum = 1;
| |
− | if cnt_obj=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Objets en erreur
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>Erreurs sur les objets utilisateurs (dba_errors)</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Objet, numéro et texte de la ligne</b></td><td><b>Erreur</b></td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | with err as (
| |
− | select distinct owner, name, type, line, position, sequence, text
| |
− | from
| |
− | dba_errors
| |
− | where sequence=1
| |
− | )
| |
− | SELECT decode(n,-1,'<tr><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">','')||substr(TRIM(text),0,240)
| |
− | from (
| |
− | select sequence n, owner,name, type,line, lpad(' ',position-1,' ')||'</td><td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||substr(TRIM(text),0,240)||'</td></tr>' text -- Num erreur PL/SQL
| |
− | from err
| |
− | union all
| |
− | select distinct -1 n, owner, name, type, line, '<b>'||type||' '||owner||'.'||name||' line '||line||'</b><br/>' --Num ligne
| |
− | from err
| |
− | union all
| |
− | select 0 n, owner, name, type, line, '"'||substr(TRIM(text),0,240)||'" : ' -- code PL/SQL
| |
− | from dba_source
| |
− | where (owner,name,type,line) in (select owner, name, type, line from err)
| |
− | order by owner,name, type,line, n
| |
− | );
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_err number := 0;
| |
| |
− | with err as (
| |
− | select distinct owner, name, type, line, position, sequence, text
| |
− | from
| |
− | dba_errors
| |
− | where sequence=1
| |
− | )
| |
− | SELECT count(n) into cnt_err
| |
− | from (
| |
− | select sequence n, owner,name, type,line, lpad(' ',position-1,' ')||'<b>'||substr(TRIM(text),0,240)||'</b></td></tr>' text -- Num erreur PL/SQL
| |
− | from err
| |
− | union all
| |
− | select distinct -1 n, owner, name, type, line, type||' '||owner||'.'||name||' line '||line||'<br/>' --Num ligne
| |
− | from err
| |
− | union all
| |
− | select 0 n, owner, name, type, line, '"'||substr(TRIM(text),0,240)||'" : ' -- code PL/SQL
| |
− | from dba_source
| |
− | where (owner,name,type,line) in (select owner, name, type, line from err)
| |
− | );
| |
− | if cnt_err=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33" colspan=2><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Indexes UNUSABLE
| |
− | prompt <!-- Indexes unusable -->
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=3><font color="WHITE"><b>Indexes UNUSABLE</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Propriétaire</b></td><td width=15%><b>Index</b></td><td width=15%><b>Statut</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||OWNER||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||index_name||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||status||'</td>','</tr>' from dba_indexes where status not in ('VALID','N/A');
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_obj number := 0;
| |
| |
− | select count(index_name) into cnt_obj from dba_indexes
| |
− | where status not in ('VALID','N/A')
| |
− | and rownum = 1;
| |
− | if cnt_obj=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Liste des segments de plus de 100M
| |
− | prompt <!-- Segments de plus de 100M -->
| |
− | | |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=4>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print info
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Info..." title="L'espace utilisé correspond aux blocs alloués au segment, qu'ils soient vides (préallocation de blocs ou suppressions de données) ou remplis."></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Liste des segments de plus de 100Mo</b></font></td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Propriétaire</b></td><td width=15%><b>Segment</b></td><td width=15%><b>Type</b></td><td width=15%><b>Taille</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||owner||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||segment_name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||segment_type||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(round(bytes/(1024*1024),0),'99G999G990')||' Mo</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | where (segment_type like 'TABLE%' OR segment_type like 'INDEX%' OR segment_type like 'LOB%')
| |
− | and bytes/1024/1024 >100
| |
− | and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | order by bytes desc;
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_obj number := 0;
| |
| |
− | select count(segment_name) into cnt_obj from dba_segments
| |
− | where (segment_type like 'TABLE%' OR segment_type like 'INDEX%' OR segment_type like 'LOB%')
| |
− | and bytes/1024/1024 >100
| |
− | and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | and rownum = 1;
| |
− | | |
− | if cnt_obj=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | ---- *************************************** Segments fragmentes
| |
− | --prompt <!-- Segments fragmentes -->
| |
− | --set define off
| |
− | --prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | --prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=5><font color="WHITE"><b>Liste des segments fragmentés (plus de 64 extents)</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | --prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Propriétaire</b></td><td width=15%><b>Segment</b></td><td width=15%><b>Type</b></td><td width=15%><b>Lié à</b></td><td width=15%><b>Nombre d'extents</b></td></tr>
| |
− | --set define "&"
| |
− | --select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||e.owner||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||e.segment_name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||e.segment_type||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||decode (e.segment_type, 'INDEX', i.table_name,'--')||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||max(e.extent_id)||'</td>','</tr>' from dba_extents e,dba_indexes i
| |
− | --where e.segment_type <> 'TEMPORARY'
| |
− | --and e.segment_name=i.index_name(+)
| |
− | --and e.owner not in &sysusers and e.owner not in &exusers
| |
− | ----and rownum <= 10
| |
− | --group by e.segment_name,e.segment_type,i.table_name,e.owner
| |
− | --having max(e.extent_id) > 64
| |
− | --order by max(e.extent_id) desc;
| |
− | --
| |
− | ---- ***** Parfois cnt_obj contient 0, parfois NULL. A debugguer. Affichage de "N/A" si =0, "Neant" si EXCEPTION (=NULL) *********
| |
− | --DECLARE cnt_obj number := 0;
| |
− | --BEGIN
| |
− | -- select count(segment_name) into cnt_obj from dba_extents
| |
− | -- where segment_type <> 'TEMPORARY'
| |
− | -- and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | -- and extent_id > 64
| |
− | -- and rownum = 1;
| |
− | -- if cnt_obj=0 or cnt_obj is null then
| |
− | -- dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | -- end if;
| |
| |
− | -- when NO_DATA_FOUND then
| |
− | -- dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | --END;
| |
− | --/
| |
− | --
| |
− | --prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** tables/indexes atteignant 90% de la limite MAXEXTENTS
| |
| |
− | -- set define offStatistiques switchs REDO LOGS
| |
− | -- prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | -- prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=6><font color="WHITE"><b>Tables/indexes atteignant 90% de la limite MAXEXTENTS</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | -- prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Propriétaire</b></td><td width=15%><b>Segment</b></td><td width=15%><b>Type</b></td><td width=15%><b>Table</b></td><td width=15%><b>Nombre d'extents courant</b></td><td width=15%><b>Nombre maximum d'extents</b></td></tr>
| |
− | -- set define "&"
| |
− | -- select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||e.owner||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||segment_name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||segment_type||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||max(extent_id)||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||t.max_extents||'</td>','</tr>' from dba_extents e, dba_tables t
| |
− | -- where segment_type = 'TABLE'
| |
− | -- and e.owner not in &sysusers and e.owner not in &exusers
| |
− | -- and e.segment_name=t.table_name
| |
− | -- and e.owner=t.owner
| |
− | -- group by segment_name, segment_type,e.owner, t.max_extents
| |
− | -- having max(extent_id) > t.max_extents*0.9
| |
− | -- order by segment_name;
| |
− | -- select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||e.owner||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||segment_name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||segment_type||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||max(extent_id)||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||i.max_extents||'</td>','</tr>' from dba_extents e, dba_indexes i
| |
− | -- where segment_type = 'INDEX'
| |
− | -- and e.owner not in &sysusers and e.owner not in &exusers
| |
− | -- and e.segment_name=i.index_name
| |
− | -- and e.owner=i.owner
| |
− | -- group by segment_name, segment_type,e.owner, i.max_extents
| |
− | -- having max(extent_id) > i.max_extents*0.9
| |
− | -- order by segment_name, segment_type DESC;
| |
− | | |
− | -- DECLARE
| |
− | -- cnt_obj_t number := 0;
| |
− | -- cnt_obj_i number := 0;
| |
− | -- BEGIN
| |
− | -- select count(extent_id) into cnt_obj_t from dba_extents e,dba_tables t
| |
− | -- where segment_type = 'TABLE'
| |
− | -- and extent_id > t.max_extents*0.9
| |
− | -- and e.owner not in &sysusers and e.owner not in &exusers;
| |
− | --
| |
− | -- select count(extent_id) into cnt_obj_i from dba_extents e,dba_indexes i
| |
− | -- where segment_type = 'INDEX'
| |
− | -- and extent_id > i.max_extents*0.9
| |
− | -- and e.owner not in &sysusers and e.owner not in &exusers;
| |
− | -- if cnt_obj_t=0 and cnt_obj_i=0 then
| |
− | -- dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | -- end if;
| |
− | -- end;
| |
− | -- /
| |
− | | |
− | -- prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- utilisateurs et tablespaces par defaut
| |
− | -- **************************************
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=3><font color="WHITE"><b>utilisateurs et tablespaces par défaut</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Utilisateurs</b></td><td><b>Tablespace par défaut</b></td><td><b>Tablespace temporaire</b></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | | |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||username||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||default_tablespace||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||temporary_tablespace||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from dba_users
| |
− | order by username;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | | |
− | -- Liste des utilisateurs systemes non listes dans les variables sysusers et exusers
| |
− | -- ********************************
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | | |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2>
| |
− | prompt <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td width=10%> <img src="data:image/gif;base64,
| |
− | print info
| |
− | prompt " width="20" height="20" alt="Info..." title="Les variables sysusers et exusers listent les utilisateurs systèmes Oracle, afin de les éliminer des requêtes qui ne doivent prendre en compte que les schémas applicatifs. Ici sont listés pour information les utilisateurs qui ne sont pas inclus dans ces variables, afin de repérer ceux qui devraient y être ajoutés."></td>
| |
− | prompt <td align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Information : Liste des utilisateurs non systèmes</b></font></td></tr></table></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Utilisateur</b></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||username||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from dba_users
| |
− | where username not in &sysusers and username not in &exusers;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Utilisateurs ayant des objets dans le tablespace SYSTEM
| |
− | prompt <!-- Segments utilisateurs dans le tablespace SYSTEM -->
| |
− | -- Tables
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=3><font color="WHITE"><b>Utilisateurs ayant des objets dans le tablespace SYSTEM</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Propriétaire</b></td><td width=15%><b>Type</b></td><td width=15%><b>Segment</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||owner||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">Tables</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||count(*)||'</td>','</tr>' TOTAL from dba_tables
| |
− | where tablespace_name = 'SYSTEM'
| |
− | and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | group by owner;
| |
− | -- Indexes
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||owner||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">Indexes</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||count(*)||'</td>','</tr>' TOTAL from dba_indexes
| |
− | where tablespace_name = 'SYSTEM'
| |
− | and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | group by owner;
| |
− | | |
| |
− | cnt_obj_t number := 0;
| |
− | cnt_obj_i number := 0;
| |
| |
− | select count(*) into cnt_obj_t from dba_tables
| |
− | where tablespace_name = 'SYSTEM'
| |
− | and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | and rownum = 1;
| |
− | select count(*) into cnt_obj_i from dba_indexes
| |
− | where tablespace_name = 'SYSTEM'
| |
− | and owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | and rownum = 1;
| |
− | if cnt_obj_t=0 and cnt_obj_i=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- *************************************** Tables et index dans le meme tablespace
| |
− | prompt <!-- Tables et index dans le meme tablespace -->
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=3><font color="WHITE"><b>Tables et indexes dans le même tablespace</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td width=15%><b>Propriétaire</b></td><td width=15%><b>Tablespace</b></td><td width=15%><b>Nombre d'objets</b></td></tr>
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||a.owner||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||a.tablespace_name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||count(a.table_name)||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from dba_tables a, dba_indexes b
| |
− | where a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name
| |
− | and a.table_name=b.table_name
| |
− | and a.owner=b.owner
| |
− | and a.owner not in &sysusers and a.owner not in &exusers
| |
− | group by a.owner,a.tablespace_name
| |
− | order by a.owner,a.tablespace_name;
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_obj number := 0;
| |
| |
− | select count(b.index_name) into cnt_obj from dba_tables a, dba_indexes b
| |
− | where a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name
| |
− | and a.table_name=b.table_name
| |
− | and a.owner=b.owner
| |
− | and a.owner not in &sysusers and a.owner not in &exusers
| |
− | and rownum = 1;
| |
− | if cnt_obj=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- Roles par utilisateurs non systemes
| |
− | -- ***********************************
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=2><font color="WHITE"><b>Rôles par utilisateur (non systèmes)</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Utilisateurs</b></td><td><b>Rôles</b></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||username||'</td>', decode(granted_role,NULL,'<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">-</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||granted_role||'</td>'),'</tr>'
| |
− | from dba_users, dba_role_privs
| |
− | where username not in &sysusers and username not in &exusers
| |
− | and username=grantee(+)
| |
− | order by 1,2;
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- Liste des schemas vides (aucun objets)
| |
− | -- *************************************
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center><font color="WHITE"><b>Liste des schémas vides (aucun objet)</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Schémas vides</b></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||username||'</td>','</tr>' from dba_users
| |
− | where username not in (select owner from dba_segments)
| |
− | and username not in &sysusers and username not in &exusers;
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_sch number;
| |
| |
− | select count(username) into cnt_sch from dba_users
| |
− | where username not in (select owner from dba_segments)
| |
− | and username not in &sysusers and username not in &exusers;
| |
− | if cnt_sch=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- Nombres d'objets par schemas (hors schemas systemes)
| |
− | -- ***************************************************
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=5><font color="WHITE"><b>Nombre d'objets par schéma (non systèmes)</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Utilisateur</b></td><td><b>Total</b></td><td><b>Tables</b></td><td><b>Indexes</b></td><td><b>Autres</b></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||t.owner||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(t.total,NULL,0,t.total),'99G999G990')||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(a.tables,NULL,0,a.tables),'99G999G990')||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(i.indexes,NULL,0,i.indexes),'99G999G990')||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(o.autres,NULL,0,o.autres),'99G999G990')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from (select owner, count(*) total
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | where owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | group by owner) t,
| |
− | (select owner, count(*) tables
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | where owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | and segment_type='TABLE'
| |
− | group by owner) a,
| |
− | (select owner, count(*) indexes
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | where owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | and segment_type='INDEX'
| |
− | group by owner) i,
| |
− | (select owner, count(*) autres
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | where owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | and segment_type not in ('TABLE','INDEX')
| |
− | group by owner) o
| |
− | where t.owner=a.owner(+) and t.owner=i.owner(+) and t.owner=o.owner(+);
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- Taille utilisee par les schemas (hors schemas systemes)
| |
− | -- *******************************************************
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=5><font color="WHITE"><b>Taille utilisée par les schémas (non systèmes)</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Utilisateur</b></td><td><b>Total (Mo)</b></td><td><b>Tables (Mo)</b></td><td><b>Indexes (Mo)</b></td><td><b>Autres (Mo)</b></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||t.owner||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(t.total,NULL,0,t.total),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(a.tables,NULL,0,a.tables),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(i.indexes,NULL,0,i.indexes),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE" align=right>'||to_char(decode(o.autres,NULL,0,o.autres),'99G999G990D00')||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from (select owner, round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) total
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | where owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | group by owner) t,
| |
− | (select owner, round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) tables
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | where owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | and segment_type='TABLE'
| |
− | group by owner) a,
| |
− | (select owner, round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) indexes
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | where owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | and segment_type='INDEX'
| |
− | group by owner) i,
| |
− | (select owner, round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) autres
| |
− | from dba_segments
| |
− | where owner not in &sysusers and owner not in &exusers
| |
− | and segment_type not in ('TABLE','INDEX')
| |
− | group by owner) o
| |
− | where t.owner=a.owner(+) and t.owner=i.owner(+) and t.owner=o.owner(+);
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- Liste des liens de bases de données
| |
− | -- ***********************************
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=5><font color="WHITE"><b>Liste des liens de bases de données</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Utilisateur</b></td><td><b>DB Link</b></td><td><b>Utilisateur distant</b></td><td><b>Serveur</b></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||owner||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||DB_LINK||'</td>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||USERNAME||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||HOST||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from dba_db_links
| |
− | order by OWNER,DB_LINK;
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_dbl number;
| |
| |
− | select count(owner) into cnt_dbl from dba_db_links;
| |
− | if cnt_dbl=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | -- Liste des synonymes non systemes
| |
− | -- ********************************
| |
− | set define off
| |
− | prompt <table border=1 width=100% bgcolor="WHITE">
| |
− | prompt <tr><td bgcolor="#3399CC" align=center colspan=5><font color="WHITE"><b>Liste des synonymes (non systèmes)</b></font></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt <tr><td><b>Utilisateur</b></td><td><b>Synonyme</b></td><td><b>Propriétaire</b></td><td><b>Objet cible</b></td></tr>
| |
− | prompt
| |
− | set define "&"
| |
− | select '<tr>','<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||owner||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||synonym_name||'</td>', '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||table_owner||'</td>',
| |
− | '<td bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">'||table_name||'</td>','</tr>'
| |
− | from dba_synonyms
| |
− | where table_owner not in &sysusers and table_owner not in &exusers;
| |
− | | |
− | DECLARE cnt_syn number;
| |
| |
− | select count(owner) into cnt_syn from dba_synonyms
| |
− | where table_owner not in &sysusers and table_owner not in &exusers;
| |
− | if cnt_syn=0 then
| |
− | dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td><td bgcolor="#33FF33"><i>N/A</i></td></tr>');
| |
− | end if;
| |
− | end;
| |
− | /
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </table><br>
| |
− | | |
− | prompt </body>
| |
− | prompt </html>
| |
− | | |
− | spool off
| |
− | exit
| |
− | </syntaxhighlight>
| |